Hey everybody! I decided to put all of my friends with Nintendo Mario rankings! If you are levels 1-5, you are Toad. If you are levels 6-10, you are Princess Peach. If you are levels 11-15, you are Bowser. If you are levels 16-23, you are Luigi. If you are levels 24-30, you are Mario. If you are levels 31-50, you are Giant Luigi. If your level is above these, you are Giant Mario. alexanderprice6: Bowser animalgrace: Toadanime1023: Luigi ballin1347: Toad cheesepuffy:Toad cookiefoot: Toad Dirk4MVP: Mario dumb_person1: Giant Luigi dxhero135: Toad filmsycat: Luigi Fwirrel: Bowser george_a:PrincessPeach Jasmine_92: Toad Jaxiecracks: Mario Kajeet: Toad LETSGOTV: Toad McLarenDude1: Princess Peach meatboys: Princess Peach megamanking66TJ: Toad mushroom_idol: Luigi NitaAries327: Toad RepriseSpot: Toad SpongeSebastian: Mario Super_Peter:Princess Peach surfer-girl-02: Bowser sweet_abbie: Princess Peach sweet_jane:Giant Luigi TVTome_Shadow: Giant Mario VioletSorceress: Toad
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