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deiviuxs Blog

I am back!

Hey guys and gals!

I am back! :)

I haven't loged in to this site since 2009 but I finally got a chance to do so. No, I was not dead nor kidnapped nor taken (great movie!). I just forgot about GameSpot..for 3 years.

Anyways, it's good to be back. But I am curious as to who is still active here.

Leave a comment and let me know that you're still alive and kicking!

Talk to you later. ;)

- deiviuxs

My TWITTER account

Hey guys and gals!

I have just signed up for a Twitter account, because it's the new big thing and because I am a part of several communities on the web and I though this would be the best place to let some of you know what I have done recently.

Feel free to follow me (and I'll follow you back if you have an account) so you'll get my most recent updates.
I will still post some of my blogs here, but they will be mostly games related.

Have fun and talk to you soon!

Follow me @ deiviuxs.

My YouTube channel

Hey everyone! :)

I wanted to let you know (for those who don't know yet) that I have my own YouTube channel. I have uploaded almost

100 videos. Most of them are related to games (GTA, Far Cry 2, etc.) and there are several short movies, After Effects videos and other random stuff. Feel free to look over my YT portfolio and watch some of my videos. Also, if you have YT account, then feel free to add me to friends or maybe even subscribe!

Once again, my YouTube channel is and would appreciate if you took a look at some of my videos. I am planning on uploading a new video soon which will be related to horror movie that I just started to watch (it's a franchise) and I really enjoy it.

Thanks and talk to you soon!

First week of (back to) college is finished!

This was my first week back to college week as a sophomore.
It was pretty good actually. I met with my friends again and it was something new and different again.
I worked everyday during summer, so going back to school was a good break from my job.

Here are the following courses I am taking this semester:
- Principles of Accounting I
- College Writing II
- Culture & Civilization I
- Macroeconomics
- Business Informational Systems (Excel/Access)
- Finite Math

I am pretty happy with my schedule. Most of teachers are pretty good and seem pretty cool.
I do get homework and especially reading assignments but not too much (yet).

If I haven't told you yet, then I am going to Lewis University in Romeoville, IL.
My major is Business Administration (if it's not gonna change in the future).

Anyways, this first week was pretty ok. I was happy to be back and see all my friends again and be part of university's students.

What about you? Do you go to high school or college/university?


[PROTOTYPE] (review on PC)

Action! Action! and one more time..ACTION! There's a lot of action in this game and it's so much fun. I have probably never played a game that has more action then [Prototype].
There are also so many upgrades for the main character. So many that it may actually be too many for some, but not for me! You earn Evolution Points (EV) by almost doing anything in the game (missions, destruction, etc.) and you spend EP on upgrades such as new moves, powers, etc. And most of the upgrades are so much fun to use. Some are very useful, others - just for fun.
Animations for Alex Mercer (main character) aro also very well done. He moves like a human (well technically he's not human anymore) and his moves and powers look and feel amazing.
Vehicles..there are only 2: tank and helicopter, but very surprisingly they control and feel very well. Especially helicopter, I was afraid that heli will be useless but it's actually easy to use and very useful. There are also 2 types of tanks and one of them is very powerful that it's rocket blast feels like a small atomic bomb (really sweet!).
The game's missions are also pretty fun as it let's you do the mission almost anyway you want since you can use any powers/moves you want. There are also many mini-games that are actually fun and useful. My favorites are gliding and consuming.
Other great thing is that after you finish the main missions you can continue playing the game just like in GTA with all your unlocks. You can do side missions or just cause destruction.
You can climb and pick almost any object in the game and use it as a weapon. Travelling is also very fun because it's a mixture between Spider-Man, Hulk and Superman. You can glide, jump, run, etc. Travelling almost never gets boring (*cough* FarCry 2).
You can also consume anyone and become the one you consume (excludes infected). Consuming is very important for: it gives health and stealth. Very important factors in the game.
ory is also interesting and told interestingly. Characters are few but interesting. You can consume special people in the city to uncover even more of the story in a very unique cutscenes.
And again..this game is just pure action. You'll fight mutants, soldier, zombies, helicopters, tanks, etc. but most of the time it's gonna be a very fun and enjoyable fight because of all the powers and awesome moves Alex has.

Graphics are not the best..This is definitely no GTA IV and doesn't have unique and relevant to New York building. Most of the building look the same..boring and dull. Draw distance is also bad, when you are high with heli, mostly you'll see fog and it doesn't look too good.
Soundtrack and voice acting are nothing special. I would like the game to have more intense and varied music as well as better voice actors who actually put some emotions while acting.
Cutscenes..they look pretty bad (only few are 'high-res') and most of them are pretty boring. When compared to GTA IV cutscenes, which are very fun to watch and feels like you watching a movie, [Prototype] cutscenes are just short conversations where someone tells Alex to do something and he drops few words before cutscene ends. Story is interesting, but cutscenes should have used much more work.
Difficulty..well the game is not that hard, but you will die a lot of time (at least I did) and some missions can get frustrated.

I was never too interested in this games, but I am very very happy that I picked it up, because it's a perfect game after a long working or school day.


Went camping - got sunburn

Hello.. :)

So, I just went camping with my friends this weekend and I got a huge sunburn.
We started camping Friday and came back home on Sunday.
Friday night was horrible, because we had a huge storm. We were all soaking wet and all the tents were full of water. It was a crazy, but fun night.
The next several days were hot as hell. We spent all Saturday on the sun waiting for our friend to jump with parachute and that's when most of us got burned.
When I came back home, I felt like I was on fire. Funny enough, but somehow half of my legs got burned (one half is red, other is skin color).
Anyways, camping was fun, but painful. I am still feeling pretty bad and my whole body hurts.

Oh well, I am still happy I didn't get sunburn like this..


SC: Conviction - old or new?

In this years E3, Ubisoft has introduced Splinter Cell: Conviction after a very long time.
And what everyone saw, was like a brand new game.
All the previous images and videos were just a past.
Ubisoft for some reason decided to change the look for Sam, the look of the game, and even the logo!

However, the demo they showed during E3 was one of the best in the show.
The graphics look amazing and some new cool features look ambitious.

However, for me, Sam from the 'older version' (with long hair) looked better than this new Sam.
Actually, the new Sam Fisher looks almost like a new person.

Still, I can't wait for this game. I played all SC games on PC and they were great.
Some better than others, but still a great and rich franchise.

What do you think about SC: Conviction?
Do you like the 'new look' of this game or do you prefer the previous Conviction look?

And just in general, do you think developers should change their minds so much during game development?
They show a new game, get people hyped and then no news for several years, when they show the game again, with major changes.
Does that help video game development or does it help loose more fans and maybe future game buyers?

As I said, I don't mind the 'new look', I just don't like how Sam looks.
Also, I don't like the new 'auto-aim' ability.
Also, the game seems to be heading towards more action than stealth approach (which I am not a big fan of).

Back from a summer trip

Hey guys and gals! 8)

I was on a trip for the past few weeks.
I and my family drove around west United States and saw some beautiful national parks.
We traveled with our 2003 Toyota Highlander and made more than 5000 miles during the trip.

We started at Arches National Park and Zion National Park in Utah.
Then, we went to Las Vegas (for second time) and also saw Hoover Dam that is only about 20 miles aways from Vegas.
After that, we went to Death Valley National Park in CA (one of the driest places in US - 120F), Sequoia National Forest and our main park - Yosemite National Park.

All of the park were gorgeous and unique. We love to travel and especially seeing the beauty of nature (big cities don't attract us that much).

For those who don't know, Yosemite is one of the most beautiful parks in US (maybe even in the whole world). It has everything: waterfalls (highest in the US), mountains and cliffs (biggest granite rock in the world), and biggest living things in the entire world - Sequoia trees (can live up to 3000 years!).

More info on:
Arches National Park
Zion National Park
Death Valley National Park
Yosemite National Park

We also saw in our previous trips: Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone National Park.

Left 4 Dead 2 (is it really necessary?)

LEFT 4 DEAD 2 was announced by Valve during E3 2009..

..and I was not very happy with this announcement.

I have purchased L4D a while ago and I have spent some hours shooting zombies.
I really liked the game, but sometimes it felt really awesome, while others - really boring/frustrating (mostly during Versus mode). I loved the new Survival mode when it came out as a free DLC.
However, I have not played this game in a while..mostly because if I wanna play a multiplayer game then I launch Team Fortress 2 (this game just doesn't get boring) and L4D doesn't have that many levels as TF2 does and it gets a bit boring..

Anyways, I do not regret my purchase of L4D, but I disagree that L4D2 should be released. It feels just too quick, especially from Valve that takes a long time (maybe too long sometime) to release a sequel.
I would like to see more DLC's for L4D because I think it needs more guns, maps, modes, etc. but a new game?

I also don't like that there will be new characters. I like old characters and I think they fit well. The new ones don't look so friendly. I don't see what's the problem to keep old characters in place..?

Also, I don't like that most of the maps are set during day time in L4D2. That just doesn't fit in survival-horror-zombie game..daytime? Seriously?...

Lastly, the name itself just sounds weird and funny...Left 4 Dead 2..hmm...NOT!
They could have changed the name, something like 'Left 2 Die' (found this name somewhere in internet).

I just don't know..L4D2 seems too quick and nothing too new from L4D. It just feels that Valve wants to make a quick buck releasing a sequel that is very similar to the frist one.
Currently, from all the demos and pictures I have no desire to buy L4D2 and I still feels L4D needs more DLC's because it might 'die' if they forget about it.
Also, if someone doesn't have neither of the games, then which one he/she will buy? (I believe the choice would be L4D2, leaving L4D alone and thus with fewer players).

What do you think about L4D2? Do you own original L4D?


-my vote goes to L4D crew -

E3 2009: my reaction

Ok, I have all of your reactions, so I gues it's my time to speak out about E3 2009. :)

I watched SONY and Microsoft conferences both on IGN, because they had "new" kind of player with no buffering and waiting so I took advantage of that since I did not watch the conferences live.
Both conferences were interesting and I watched them from start to finish.
They both seemed to me equally good/bad (there were good and bard boring parts).
I like SONY opening better since it showed various SONY games in a nice video and Microsoft started right from the Beatles game (which had a nice opening credits).
It was kinda funny that both conferences had similar the way that they both showed their "new" motion controller that will change the future of gaming (oh, please...).
It was also funny that most of SONY's annoucements were already known (..PSP GO..) and that they announced new Final Fantasy even though FFXIII is not released yet.
However, I think Microsoft conference was organized better and I liked their stage more (green color).
In general, I was happy to see both presentations and they both were great.

Many great games, but only few new debuts.
Talking about debuts, I remember new Rockstar game being announced - AGENT, but only the logo was showed (seriously, not even a wallpaper?) and where the heck is L.A. Noire??
Other..already known games..
- Alan Wake is alive and looking really good! (but where's Heavy Rain?)
- Splinter Cell: Conviction comes back with different look..?...still don't know if I like the new look
- God of War III - brutality at it's best!
- Modern Warfare 2 looks pretty good, but I was not impressed with the demo.
- Assassin's Creed II looks stunning and beautiful..hopefully it's not aa repetitive.
- Forza 3 has cars that look better than in real life! Wow...please release this on PC..PLEASE! (this game left better impressions that Gran Turismo 5)
...just a few games, that I saw demos during press conferences and those that I still remmeber...
oh yeah, and Left 4 Dead 2 (I hold my comments 'till my next blog).

I don't remember last year's E3, but I was pretty happy with E3 2009. Hopefully E3 2010 will be even bigger and more badass (I know what you thinking now) next year! 8)

See you next year (or not, I don't really care)