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deiviuxs Blog

Finished 1st semester in college!

Whoo..hooo! :D

I am done with my first semester. I am going to Lewis University in Illinois and my first semester is over.
Now, I have a winter break 'till January 12. That's awesome!

In all, I really like college. It's much better than high school. I spend less time at school and have more free time to do my homework, work, and play some games.

I was expecting college to be harder, but I actually found it to be easier than high school. There's fewer courses in college and you are responsible for yourself.

However, as most of the people - I hate buying new books at the beginning of the semester and selling them for such a small price at the end of it.

For those who don't know yet, I am study ing business administration, but I hope I'll be able to work in a video game industry, because I enjoy video games and it's a great industry that keeps growing each year.

I already have my courses for 2nd semester and I hope that my 2nd semester will be as great as the first one...

Assassin's Deivis

I just realized that I haven't showed you this image.
I did this last year in my Photography course at high school.
I took this image and edited it a bit with Photoshop.

And's my face that has been replaced in the picute and it's called Assassin's Deivis because my name is Deivis.

My war is finished. I burned them to hell!

Yesterday (Thursday) I finished Call of Duty World at War single player campaign. :)

[this review is based only on Single Player campaign]

The games is pretty. It uses COD4 graphics engine which makes the game look more realistic and just pretty to look at. It's also violent. It's much more brutal than COD4. For ex. when enemies attack you to the ground, you stab them with your knife to their neck;when you shoot at enemies with heavy weapons (ex. sniper) they lose their limbs (arms, legs, head, etc.); enemies have lost of blood coming out from them when you are killing them; some of the cutscenes are simply amazing and look realistic (I mean, you would actually see this scene in the war).
Flamethrower is great weapon and I simly love it! It's effective against lots of enemies and it's awesome to burn your foes. Everytime you burn an enemy, he screams until he finally dies.
Sound is as great sa always. Guns sound relistic and you really feel like in real war.
The story...even though this is a WWII game - it's told from 'different' perspective, which is great and interesting.
Enemies are awesome and smart! I really like/hate Korean guys. They would come from nowhere and just attack you wihout shooting! They are real badass kamikazes!

Lenght. I felt that the single player campaign is too short. The game has exactly the same problem with SP campaign as the COD4 had last year. Missions are awesome and different, but there's just not enough. I want more!!
In some of the missions, there could be more action. Every mission in COD4 was crazy as everyone was shooting everyone and your teammates were screaming.
Still not as good as COD4 single player campaign.
Oh, I hate grenades! I died so many times because of some stupid grenade that I didn't see!

I was really pleased with this game and Treyarch did a great job. They took WWII theme and made it fresh again. The flamethrower is awesome and the brutally of this game really adds up to the experience. However, modern war was more interesting to play due to never seem guns and the story itself.
(if I have some free time, I will play SP campaign again)


P.S. I took this image myself

I've finished my assassinations!

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

I have finally finished Assassin's Creed! :D

The games has amazing graphic! The world in Assassin's Creed looks simply fantastic. The cities look like they are actual cities with tons of people walking around in the streets. You will never find more people on the screen than in this game. Moreover, most of the people look different and unique. There regular people and the soldiers. There are beggers who will start following you and asking for money. There are also crazy people who will start hitting you when you come close to them. There are also merchants (or something like that) which you can pickpocket and get some extra throwing knifes.
Guns...4 different ones. Fists (rarely use these ones except sometimes on civilians), throwing knifes (very affective against distant enemies), sword (used it every time in the fight) and of course the awesome hidden blade (looks cool and grants instant kill).
Fighting in the game is also pretty fun. It's cool to fight with the sword and yuo learn new fighting techniques as the game progresses. You can do counter attacks which will 'nicely' kill your opponent.
Sound and music is also nicely relates to the time period in the game. Voice acting is pretty good and the Altair has a good voice (I know that sounds kinda weird). The dialogue is also very appropriate to the time period. There are many lines I liked from this games that I thought are really awesome.
But probably the best thing about this game is the movements of Altair. Altair moves like a real person and it looks so realistic and simply amazing! The animations are one of the best in the video game. The way he runs, jumps, grabs onto something are all so well done that you forget that you are controlling him. You can climb any building in the game (well almost any..). There are tall buildings that you can climb and do a leap of faith where Altair jumps down to a pile ofhay. I really really enjoyed watching Altair's movements (I know it sound weird again but just play the game and you'll see it yourself!)

Story is confusing and hard to follow. There are many names in the game that can get mixed up and sometimes you are not sure why the hell you are assassinating this person.
The game is freaking repetitive! There are decent amount of missions and they are mostly all the same. You go to one town, do at least 3 investigations out of 6 total, then go assassinate the main target. Then you go back to a different town and do everything the same as you did before. It gets really tedious doing the same missions over and over again...and again..and again..
Also, it would be cool if the game had a multiplayer. The cities are huge and it would be awesome to run around with other people and do leap of faiths together. Or at least the game should have something special when you finish the game so there would be incentives to replay the game.
Also, there is no poing (at least for PC version) to collect all the flags, assassinate all the templars, etc.
Oh..and yuo die everytime you fall in the water!!

Other thoughts:
I would have never guessed that this game is more than just being Altair. There is actually another character that you control a bit and the whole story (not just Altair's story) is pretty interesting and unique. None of the trailers revealed the 'other' side of the game and I only find out about it after I started to play the game.
Also, the game has many interesting ideas. Such as 'interactive cutscenes' (I don't know how to name them) where you can actually move and click a button to change the camera angle. Also, the graphics don't change and stay the same as the actual games (which is not that bad since the game has good graphics). There were many times I was thinking: 'wow this game has so many new things that I have never seen if it wasn't so repetitive.'


Safety and peace, friend.

Drowning in the sea of games!

Hey guys! :)

Sorry that I haven't posted a blog recently, but I am so busy playing games. Since my PC was broken for several weeks, I had some games to play and..there are many great games to play this time of year.

Currently I have 4 new games that I play. Far Cry 2 is the first game I started to play. I am ~30% done with the game. That's not much, but I don't hurry. The game is beautiful and I am enjoying Africa.
Second game I started is Fallout 3. I really like this game. I played Oblivion and it was a good game but I didn't like the time period it was set, but Fallout 3 is awesome. Washington DC looks amazing (even though it's destroyed) and I loved exploding heads.
Also, I am playing Dead Space. Amazing and scary game. Love the way I need to kill necromorphs. However, haven't played this game in couple days because Fallout 3 is keeping me busy.
Lastly, Call of Duty: World at War. Sadly, I only played the first level yet. The game looks pretty good, however, COD4 first level gave me more enjoyement than this game. I will definitely finish single player campaing sometim later..

So, that's basically it. Very busy with games (+ school and work). Still need to finish other games (Assassin's Creed, Hitman: Blood Money), so I'll probably be busy 'till Christmas. 

What games have you been playing? Do you enjoy them? 8)

Back to GAMING !!!

FINALLY!! I received my new replacement PSU yesterday and my computer is working again! :D

I am so happy. I missed my PC and all the info in it. I installed Far Cry 2 as soon as I powered my PC again and I started to play the game. So far, I like it very much. It's very beautiful!I agree, that enemies are sometimes hard to kill, but it's fun to kill them using various weapons. However, I have some frame rate issues. It keeps droping sometimes, even though my PC meets required specifications and I am playing on the highest settings. Other than that, I am very happy that I can finally play the game.

Now, I will be playing as many games as I can, 'cause I need to catch up. I am also planning on playing Dead Space and Fallout 3.

Well, that's it for now...I am going back to Africa..:)

Worst scenario EVER!

Hello everyone. I have terrible news... :cry:

So yesterday was my birthday (10/21) and I received the best birthday present yesterday. My computer broke! After a short circuit I was not able to turn my computer back again. I find out that my power supply has failed, so now I need to get a new power supply. Hopefully, I will be able to get a replacement because I still have a warranty on the PSU (I bought it last year). So now I have no computer (except my Macbook). Moreover, I would not be that mad or sad or angry because my power supply broke down but what makes me really angry is that today I will pick up my Far Cry 2 game copy from GameStop and I won't be able to play the game! The game that I waited for more than a year to play! And finally when it's out I can't play it 'cause my stupid computer does not work!:x

I don't know what to do. It's so ironic that it all happened the day of my birthday and the day before Far Cry 2 comes out. It's sad from one side, but it's ironically funny from the other side.

Wow. I just wish the power never disapeared because I would be playing Far Cry 2 now. Instead, all I can do is to look at the game box and wait for my new power supply to arrive...

Finished Hitman: Contracts

Hi, guys. I've been very busy in the past week and that's why you haven't heard from me but finally I have some time to post a short blog.

I've been playing several games and one of them is Hitman: Contracts. I have finally finished this game and here's a short review:

HITMAN CONTRACTS (Eidos Interactive)

The game is good. It has the same gameplay as the previous game (Hitman 2: Silent Assassin) which is good. I mostly like Hitman games because I like to assassinate people and do it secretely and quetly. Even though, some missions in this game I finished in less than 5 minutes because game is not very hard and in some missions you can just go and kill everyone. The game has a very good replay value. Each mission can be replayed at least several times because you can either go killing everyone or be more careful and kill you targets quetly.There's really nothing much to say about the game. It's the same game as before and it has decent number of missions locate in various places in the world. It great game for people who like sometimes play quetly and not all guns blazing.


I've nutreulized the warhead!

It's finished..Crysis Warhead is done. I just finished the game and here's my short review:


First of all, its not Crysis 2. It's more like a stand alone expansion for the first Crysis where you play as Psycho.
The good things I liked anout this game are: still amazing graphics and much better performance than the original Crysis. With the Crysis my biggest concern was that the sound used to dissapear often and with Crysis Warhead it happened to me only once. Also, there are several new guns and vehicles. Some of the guns include grenade launcher and a weird alien type of gun which is really slow in 'reloading' but very very powerful and fun to use! This game has much more action than the original one and involves more explosions since you get to play with 'big guns' early in the game.

The bad: it's freaking short! It probably took me about 5 hours to finish the game which is not a lot. Also, the story is weak. I didn't even know what was in that stupid container and why was it so important that I needed to save or protect that damn thing. Another thing is that probably more than half of the game involves alieans and I personally hate aliens. I like to wander in the tropics rather than in the snow. Even though, the alien AI is much improved, I still thing they should stay in Antartica.

FINAL thoughts: even though the game is short, it's still a very good and action-packed game which delivers many explosions, guns and beautiful graphics which more people are able to experience this time.


My first pre-ordered game EVER!!

Today (Saturday 9/27) I have pre-ordered a PC video for the first time in my entire life! :D

I have pre-ordered Far Cry 2 which is the game that I just can;t wait. The more videos I watch of this game the more I want this game and I just can;t wait to play it myself.

I do not pre-order games because I usually wait for them to go down in price and I also see and read what other people say about certain game (read reviews, etc.) but Far Cry 2 is a game that I will definitely get and it does not matter what score it gets (I know it will receive at least 9.0) I will still buy and play this amazing African game.

I have pre-ordered from GameStop because it has that 'special edition' where you get a big map poster as well as 6 new missions (about 3 hrs of new gameplay) which is a good deal because the game still cost the same ($49.99 PC version) as normal versionin other retail stores (ex. Best Buy).

So, now all I need is wait and wait..

P.S. the other cool thing is that the game is coming on 10/21 - the day of my birthday (gonna be a perfect present for myself). :P