could be your controller isn't charged :)xxjeran123xxActually, the batteries ability to retain energy when charged might have gone down. Get a replacement controller - it happened all the time with the 360 its no big deal! Just get a new controller, but ur ps3 is fine. its got nothing to do with other devices with similar frequencies
dela_kobla's forum posts
My 360 shows only 1-4 of the red lights. How many red lights have to be on? All? Also do i need internet access to use xbox live?
xbox live rulezz a$$
I just got a ps3, and i'm wondering how many controllers i need for it to work. The 360 needs at least one, but it seems like the ps3 needs at least 5. Also the controller does not shake!
p.s: im just messing! its just a little "breakfast" for yall!
Ps 4 life
i know that the PS4 is not true but now a whole bunch of people are saying that instead of a PS4 they are making a new version of the PS3?? Is this true?
This game was like announced at E3 2005 and has since fallen off the face of the earth. This was one of the games that got me really excited abou the PS3, but I have since to hear any kind of news about the game. It was like some kind of Onimusha/Otogi:myth of demons type game. Anyone know what happened to it?black_awpN1
certainly i remember the game. if sony is doing what we expect them to do, we might be in for a mega surprise come E3.
I get the feeling their re-designing the store ...
and improving server speeds ...
No new content imo will be added - just a new and better look and more stable servers ...
I think its gonna be a complete over-haul of the store, and also the user-interface. Lets see what happens
i live in the UK and i am having what i have heard is a common PS3 problem. my PS3 fan is whisper quiet when i first turn it on,it then goes up a level and then another level after about fifteen minutes getting louder each time. the problem is when i exit a game and the PS3 sits on the XMB the PS3 fan will not step down no matter how long i leave it on.this is my 4th PS3 with the one i have at the moment coming directly from sony themselves through an overnight courier and it acts exactly the same.Marcbarr1
It's summer, the weather is hot! its only natural that the fan should spin faster, thus louder
FEAR was ported to the 360. Assassins Creed was originally built on the PS3.doolies
No, assassins creed was developed using 360 dev kits! it was said last E3 that though it was a ps3 exclusive game, it was built with the 360 dev kit! some sony fans like me were a lil pissed off about that, but hey, lets just home they don't port it... rather they make an actual ps3 version.
We all know of Ubisoft and their lazy ports to the PS3. Well check this out.
It's just capital BS! pretty much everyone knows the potential of the ps3. Looks like ubisoft dnt wanna pay for a cell programmer e.t.c. But it's fine because everyone is seeing through their fascade. Ubisoft being pompous! I give tom clancy ( aka Tom Mclaney as some one put in on the boards some time ago) credit for what Ubisoft is right now. It looks like they lack expertise on gaming in general. I hope they're keeping tom in an oxygen chamber so he stays alive. Else, Ubi is going down in flames
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