Very educational. I remember playing Cannon Fodder at a neighbor's house years and years ago. Never could remember the name of the game, till now.
Microsoft again trying to fix something that isn't broken. I wouldn't be surprised if the Xbox 720 comes packaged with a set of hoops that you literally have to jump through to turn on the system.
All they need to do to "win" this generation is to release a console which can function without the internet. Because Microsoft is apparently not able to do that.
@Total_mischief @nameaprice @MW2ismygame Yup, there are a lot of idiots here. It can get quite scary around election time.
Religion often drives people to commit heinous crimes, so why not ban that as well? If Adam Lanza were a devout Christian who simply took the bible too literally, would people be trying to ban THAT? OF COURSE NOT.
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