San Andreas, circa '85. Can only imagine how brilliant it would to be cruising through the pine forests listening to Talking Heads one second, then to crest a hill as Billy Idol kicks in and be confronted with the brilliance of mid 80's San Andreas.
True! :) Cor, well pretty much anything with a good storyline really, try to avoid racing titles like Need for Speed, but not adverse to stuff such as GTA or Saints Row. Current gaming catalogue; - Bioshock 2 - Saints Row 2 - Assassin's Creed 1, 2 & BH - GTAIV w/ Expansions - CoD: MW - Pro Evo 2008 (shocking I know...) - Red Faction Guerilla - Dead Space (which my other half loved watching me play, so the sequel's a definite must-get) I've also played Fable 2, Mirror's Edge, most of the Prince of Persia reboot and a menagerie of other titles. Just fire any old suggestion at me :) HAWX I quite enjoyed the demo of. Edit:- Thinking of grabbing Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions and Alan Wake aswell.
Cheers guys :) Shame, Far Cry 2 looks like it packs a lot of potential from the screenshots and videos and what not, but I'll take your word for it. Any oldie-cheapy titles you can think of I could pick up from the Game second-hand section?
Hi all, bit of a newb to the forum so figured I'd get my post count up with some thoughts of my own. Intend on purchasing a couple of old titles tomorrow that I've never gotten round to. I've heard mixed reviews about the odd few below, and not sure whether it's worth it. So, opinions? I'm looking at Fable 3, Dead Space 2, Far Cry 2 and anything else I come across. Any other suggestions duly noted :)
Im looking forward to the functionality Mass Effect 3 will provide with it, and the upcoming Minecraft to 360 port (miming a hammering motion anyone?) I was largely dubious about picking it up, but after seeing E3 this year, I'm possibly tempted (if and only if it drops in price). Although the new Fable game leaves a LOT to be desired.
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