One thing I have learned as I have gotten older is that no matter how BAD, TERRIBLE AND AWFUL something is - there's always going to be someone out there that likes it and thinks of it as the best (insert blank here)
I'm sure to someone out there Ride to Hell: Retribution is probably a great game
Why is it that people automatically assume that just because characters X, Y or Z has planned movies coming out in the future doesn't mean they can't bite the dust for real??
As if they can't still bring a movie out and make it be that the events of the movie happened before the events of Infinity War
I mean we've seen it happen in games, I'll use God of War as an example..... after the events of God of War 3 the fourth game Ascension came out and the events of that game occurred before 3 so yea it's possible that a character like Star Lord can die permanently in Infinity War and still appear GotG Vol 3 and the writers can just make the events of that movie happen before the events of Infinity War.
NOW with all that said - I don't think Marvel or whoever owns the rights of these movies has the balls to kill off cash cows so most of these characters that disintegrated will come back to life in next movie
System should've been called the Nintendo bait & Switch U hahahaha lol ;-P
Well I guess it makes sense for all the releases because most people never played these games on the Wii U since no one bought it, so these are essentially like "new" games for them.
But if you played them on the Wii U I guess Nintendo is just hoping you pay them twice for the same game ;-)
@girlusocrazy: That's 8 bit with dithering and by all accounts you can't really tell by eye alone a true 10 bit panel from one that's 8 bit and dithering
@neurogia: HDR comes accompanied with 10 bit panels and wide color gamut
So in that picture they are kinda exaggerating it to show off the fact that it can produce a billion more shades of colors as opposed to SDR which can only do some 16 million.
demon-returns' comments