@GreenMage7: I also understand what you're saying and I'm sure it makes sense in your head but that's not the same thing. If Pizza Hut put out a new type of pizza that can only be bought at Pizza Hut but then goes on to advertise the type of pizza that can also be bought at papa johns or dominos then yes your analogy would make sense .
Heck even places like Wendy, McDs and Burger King that all sell burgers usually advertise their things to show that they have this a certain type of burger that can be purchased at their establishment with their own unique twist added to it.
Whether you play Call of Duty or Destiny on PS4 or XB1 or PC it's still the same game. Unless Each version has something unique that the other doesn't have like exclusive characters, weapons, or dlcs
As it stands right now the answer you gave is NOT pretty obvious.
I still haven't found a reason to play Until Dawn. I rather play Heavy Rain instead.
DaVillian I usually find myself agreeing with you on A LOT of things you say but I'll have to disagree with you on this one my friend.
Heavy Rain is in my top 5 games last gen because I like games that offer or at least try to offer different experiences I think where as Heavy Rain was more drama and suspense, Until Dawn has all those plus a horror expect to it that is just as good
@mesome713: Sony is paying for most of the marketing on Destiny. I believe he actually mentioned it in the interview as well. which they will be doing a ton of marketing for. It seems Battlefront is also leaning their direction as well, based on most gameplay videos being PS4. Sony's plan this holiday season is to sell third party games, and they are actually throwing their money at it.
In what world does a game like Call of Duty need marketing? The game comes out every year and everyone and their dog, sister, grandma, knows the game
Soooooo dumb and stupid. That's why we get stuck in this cycle of the same old same old being the M.O of the gaming industry.
When they don't market games like this one they don't sell, then they in turn think gamers aren't interested in new gaming experiences and thus push out cutter cookie stuff like COD, Destiny, and all other variations of them.
I for one welcome games like this that tries to provide something different than the same old even if I can understand it may not be every body's cup of tea
Sony? Are you listening Sony? Come closer **waves hands slowly in a come over here gesture**.................... slaps the shit out of them.
It seems like sometimes people whether as individuals or as a collection are always too quick to forget the past whenever they seem to achieve some kind of success. In what world does it make sense to market 3rd party games that can be played on 5 different devices rather than concentrate on offerings that can only be experienced on your system. Be careful Sony....... I'm just saying, be really careful. Things are going good now but if there's anything we've learned in the short history of gaming is that things can change so fast. You maybe on top today and wake up tomorrow and find yourself on the bottom,
demon-returns' comments