so this is basically the equivalent of breaking up with a girl who gave you great sex and BJs because you thought you found someone nicer only to re-unite later again for a taste of more great sexy time and the kid produced will be called
So when someone starts to make auto-built in excuses like these it's basically a way to say "hey, if this game comes out AND it's not what you're expecting because it got hyped to kingdom come" please remember how hard it was working on it and don't get mad at us....we worked hard
That would've made more sense if the article had said that but it didn't. It just made it sound like a guy that was talking about being excited for the next game in the series.....kinda similar to what we all do here on gamesport forums everyday.
HE said - "The new Uncharted I'm really excited to see how that's going to be and obviously both new gaming systems."
So if someone comes out tomorrow and says - "The new Mass Effect I'm really excited to see how that's going to be and obviously both new gaming systems."
Does that mean a new mass effect game has just been teased?
Dumb article with a misleading title is what this is
demon-returns' comments