I wish these articles would make it clear that FM7 has NO micro-transactions. The token system of the past was not brought back to FM7 and these crates can only be bought with in game currency (which cannot be bought with real money).
FC2 is the only one Far Cry I've played and not finished. Easily the worst. Typical play session from what I remember: Get mission in town, travel to mission... along the way get killed by enemy road block checkpoints (they will chase you to the end of the earth), start over... kill all enemies at road block, make it to objective... die or fail mission in some way, start over... try to outrun road block again...
The never ending spawning of enemies at road blocks and in bases along with no descent fast travel system made this game infuriating.
It all comes back to the parent. I have two small children (1 and 2) and wouldn't dream of letting them play GTA, Gears of War, God of War, or COD, etc. until they are at least 15-16 depending on there demeanor and actions up to that point. And of course I only play these types of games after they've gone off to bed. Non-gaming parents need to be educated about the ratings system and honestly I think the system should be enforceable just like selling alcohol or restricting access to R mated movies.
@Joshua2222 My comment is definitely talking about the unknowable distant future and it depends on the utter failure of the Wii-U and the decline of traditional hand-held gaming. Also, for the record, I'm NOT hoping this happens. Less competition is ALWAYS worse for the consumer.
Now I don't give much credence to what Pachter says but this article got me thinking. I wonder if Nintendo will ever go the way of SEGA and get out of the hardware competition? When it comes to core gamers Nintendo's success comes from the proprietary software (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.). I'm sure my post will be slaughtered by the Nintendo fans but would it be so bad if I could play Mario Galaxy or Zelda on my xbox or playstation? I know it sounds sacrilegious but Sega pulled off the transition and I'm sure Nintendo could do it even more successfully.
Oh, and I fully expect NFS: The Movie to be incredibly terrible. It might be okay if it has great action scenes and doesn't take it's story too seriously.
demonhellcat's comments