@fig56: These site are starting to dislike the first amendment more and more.If it's not praising them then it is hate speech.We don't them to be triggerd.they may not make it to their save places in time.
Are they serious right now?i see girls going to high school with less clothing on then the women showed in those pics.this i just a bunch of SJW's and fat feminist getting angry over something they can't be or something they can't have.
Ms should not be apologizing for this as it is in no way offensive.There were only two women who are dressed no worse then the woman dancing in front of them.I bet if they an LGBT badge we wouldn't be having this conversation.
This industry is being tuned upside down by third wavers and Beta men .This in no way turns women away form making games as the articles are making it out to be.
@spikepigeo: but can you really ignore them?If you do ,they will still get their way. the industry will change if people stand up or not.I have never seen an industry so willing to hand something they have been building for 30 years over without so much as a fight.
@Mogan: They never had a chance because they were going against a female indie game developer.Double whammy.
At least when the story broke gamespot stayed out of it for a week or so.Ign on the other hand was up in arms with ten articles a day attacking the movement.She must have slept with everyone over there.probably had and office name.
deon99's comments