@TheOnlyConan the same way it will work for you , as you precious pc games will most likely run the same way now.Console will still rule the gaming arena.
why did anyone buy an 8 year old his own ps3?Let alone GTA IV?Even though i doubt this is what made him kill the 87 year old lady,the media is probably gonna run with this.
@badlad042k He's been gone about a year and no one cares.They even made another gears game.As of late he's just been trying to be controversial by backing the wrong side of public arguments.
But who knows maybe he really does have some feelings for this guy.his wife should be on the look out for cliffy on the down low.
Phil Fish and cliffy b can now go to hell.This guy is no one special.he made a mediocre game and was most likely out of ideas for the second and wanted a scape goat .Marcus has the right to say what he wants just like these two are doing now.
Why was he trending makes no since to me.Just goes to show that someone being a jackass can go a long way.
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