I was wondering where this map was.Ever since i started back playing Modern warfare 2 again a few weeks ago i never went to the Favela map,i was starting to wonder if they had taken it out make DLC for Modern warfare 3.
Everything he said was common since.The longer a group of people work together on something the closer they get, and the closer they get the better there product is.Look at companies like Rockstar , Square Enix and even Infinity ward before they where destroyed by Kotik,all these these companies where together for multiple games and there games got better over time.
@AlabamaFan92 I do.I play mass effect ,mgs4 and gta 4 all these years after the have been out and guess what.... there still good and dlc is dirt cheap.
Here's and idea,just scrap the whole online and take that development time and make some more epic single player dlc.The online portion of Max Payne 3 is dead, it died after 2 weeks on the ps3 i don't see this being all that different.
Rockstar is one the top developers in the game, they should know what to do and not rely on there fans for ideas.
Congrats to her on the new job at a studio that looks to do big things in the future.From her resume she has the experience to lead, and has some impressive games under belt.
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