"I love that tiger over there"
"You what?!"
"Yum yum yum yum.... Dad can you hunt more meat?!"
"Too late! oh look, go kill that over there!"
"mwahahah damn stupid lions, im going to kill them all!"
"damn, im lucky I got out alive that time!"
"I love that tiger over there"
"You what?!"
"Yum yum yum yum.... Dad can you hunt more meat?!"
"Too late! oh look, go kill that over there!"
"mwahahah damn stupid lions, im going to kill them all!"
"damn, im lucky I got out alive that time!"
Cavedogzoo is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, what happened was... I left right? I couldn't take it, college was just too much everything was messing up before my eyes. But, since then I got a new pc, my dad paid £150 for the monitor too! :O
Also only recently, my dad has got a new car too! (hope he doesn't have another accident) and college is fine. Everything is fine, so I decided to come back :)
I know many of you would be pleased, but I wanted to please everyone even more. Im going to work on a site and a forum (sorry guys, Lyokouniverse is dead. :( )
What made you come back Cavedogzoo?
Well, because I feel so happy, I decided to come back!!! only to notice that tv.com has obviously made a decent enough welcome! by updating the site with some things!
About me:
Name: Matthew Francis Gurnett
Age: 16 Years and 5 months.
D.O.B: 15/08/1990
Fears/phobias: Touching live fish, closing my eyes while washing my hair.
Favourite animals: Coyote. Fearless, bold cunning... Love em!
Disliked animals: None that I really dislike, I like them all! but the Coyote is a fav :D
Some intresting facts about me:
Notice: Matthew Francis Gurnett? no? each of my names has 7 letters. which = 777. Strangley, I feel luckier on fruit machines!
Although I have a fear of touching live fish I have a wide diet of fish, ranging from many types... Wierd huh?
I am Dislexic. Yep! its true! when I was very young, I found it impossible to tell left from right and also mixing letters and mixing sentances apart sometimes.
Cavedogzoo was first thought of when I created a gamespy account to play one game I loved: Total annihilation. TA's logo is Cavedog, but I put zoo on the end!
My urine (wee) is 50% higher Ph scale then normal (I dont drink enough water, eat fibery foods etc.)
I can relax my heart rate to 36 B.P.M (Beats per minute) If substained long enough.
Underwater, my longest time for holding my breath is 58 seconds. Thats in a swimming pool you try it!!!
My left eye is VERY subceptible to light. So subceptible, that I am often seen closing my left eye outside.
Strangley, I feel my left eye can see in the dark better!
I rarley ever take a full breath, I always "shallow breathe".
My body needs only about 60% of a normal meal of food to be "full up".
I have never been stung by a bee.
ARGH, although I have been stung by wasps!
I prefer to grow my hair long in winter, so I feel more warm then :D
I am "double jointed" my hands have the most features. :)
I use my own toenails as toothpicks! (honestly!)
When I was little, my left arm was growing bigger than my right, so I needed an injection to sort it out!
I can survive on just 600 calories per day.
I have never drank a Glass of water since June 2006.
Well thats the end of intresting stuff ;) hehe, anyway favorite animals... I love em!
"Stop chewing my arm!!!"Im leaving this site for good. Its boring, cold, heartless people. And I kind of fell out with a very good friend again. Only like 7 hours after saying sorry.
Im sick of this **** site. There's next to nothing to do. Its a boring place that has no meaning other than a waste of time. So people! this is offically goodbye. Im leaving tv.com for good.
You won't see me again on here. This is my final blog. I can't be bothered to make friends because almost none of them knew the true meaning of friendship. Helping each other. Trusting each other...
Yeah, none of you will care, so I mean this. Im not coming back. Im sick of the "you don't comment on my blogs so I wont comment on yours" stubborn people. This is a waste of my time. I just want to........ let go. Yeah, I may kill myself. (I mean this) it's just messed up. I feel like a dog in a cage. With no food, no water, no light, nothing. Dying. Slowly dying. Yeah, im crying. I dont care what you think, even the strongest of people cry at times.
One thing that's also just annoying me. 24 day six has been showing on tv. Now if my country needed me dead, they would all say, please, what can one life compare to the whole country?
"But it's my life. Why me?"
I dont care if you comment its a waste of time, go on go away, I want to be left to die. As I always am. I learned. There is no point in begging to god. But I will one final time.
(I am preying as im typing this)
"Dear god. I need help. I need a sign of how to put this right. Im worried that im falling out with my best friend, Matthew barnes. I just need your help, im sorry that I never prey to you before, like I promised, but please. I ask you. If you can help give me something back that I lost, then I thank you. Amen"
Yeah, I honestly made that preyer.. Just. I learned these things:
You miss something when its suddenly gone.
A friendship is a bond of intrests and likings. It is formed by trust, helping and understanding.
Some people in this world are relentless, kallous. They turn thier backs on people.
Only you make the choices that will later on govern what will help/hinder you.
Once you've done something, there is often no going back.
If you lie to people. Its best to admit it at the early stage rather than let it grow, and let the pressure and punishment grow.
Every second of your life is priceless.
hmmmmmmmm, sorry for all the wierdness. Just its the way I am. Im cracking up. So im gone. This is goodbye.
(in reverse order 10 being lowest 1 being the ultimate thing)
10: Walking
9: Brushing my teeth
8: Not getting my own way.
7: Having to go somewhere when I dont want to
6: Waiting for something etc. :evil:
5: Having a bath, im about to wash my hair, when there's no hot water left.
4: Trying new foods, especially any fruit.
3: Having to eat and drink healthily.
2: Being forced to do something which I dont want to.
1: Someone saying ... :evil:
Im not a happy Cavedog today, even though its a new year. Yes already. I have no new years resolutions because I don't believe in them.
The site: The site is going OK. My co-admin helps me by saying "the update will never be done" yeah, it would be if you would help me!!! As well as for the forums, its almost dead. It needs new members. Its just a wreck. Full of meaningless rubbish. Its a waste of my time, you try doing that then barnes, start a new forum all from the top of your head.
Type out the rules, make sure people obay them etc. Create topics that people want to talk in. But most importantly, enforce the rules.
People need support, encouragement the little thing extra to edge them on, its like holding a match stick next to thier fire that is the spirit. But, im feeling like giving up. People are leaving the forums, people rarely post. Etc. Its not a full time thing anymore its like "this is yesterdays news" or "I've made a post, there" I am fed up of having to remind people to post in my forums.
I may also leave tv.com because everything is falling apart, I've learned one thing about this creul world. People can never have enough sympathy over something. All you guys would be better off without me. This could be goodbye. this may not. I want to move on from tv.com...
Also, I still have not got my decent laptop back. This blows even more. I STILL have to walk to college. Sometimes, I ask you, do you ever get the feeling you want to... Let go from the world?
When your a person who doesn't give up so easily, the weakness of many of them is seeing people give up on them. That's what has been annoying me ever since.
Do you have a dad who says random things does random things etc? Do you cry over a peice of music that touches your heart? do you dream of avenging your dad's death only to see him live for one more day?
Its just too much, my friends, blah. I know you'll read this and you'll think to yourself: meh, I guess I will write something to make him not leave.
Yeah well thats not going to work unless someone sends me a peice of music that touches my heart. (like devil may cry or Total annihilation) and say something like: You've got 1 minute to live because you are going to die from the cold, there is all the treasure in front of you that would last a century, and you try to burn it in hope to live a little longer.
Well, im running out of things to say. Only this. Your friends are like plants. They need water (talking to) they need sunlight (support/encouragement) and mostly, they need soil (help) at times. I need help. Don't just let me leave, say something.
Goodbye, this may be the last blog. Forever.
Descentzoo's account: 4th April 2006 to January 2nd 2007.
Woah, blogging is getting kind of boring. My record is 6 comments. Its just gay Heck, screw you guys im not typing out a long blog when I could be doing better things right now. :evil:
This is not going very well at all.. Why? Because one of the reasons is my very good friend loco4siempre decided to leave tv.com oh yeah, I know some of you are thinking, SO? I hate that word.
From now on, Im gonna ask every american there is. Do you hate argentinian people because if you do, I'll hate you too. I've had enough of you, first you annoy me then you insult one of my best friends and it was traumitising for him!!!
Gggggrrrr... Also, the site is not going very well either. I can't seem to update because of this laptop im using. So I've decided that the site may or may not open on January 1st. I'll try my best to update on the 31st of december but if not, well It wont open.
At this rate, Im going to leave, going to give up, never coming back. C'mon this is the Cavedogzoo, and he needs help. Comment for me, because im so sick of people who say like 5 words and get link 20 comments thats sickens me.
If I am going to give up, im going to pass the site on to the person that I feel has helped me the most in my times of need...
This may also be the last blog, if so:
Goodbye tv.com I'll always miss you. (This time it may be for real.)
Well.......... Since I broke my laptop, and I always learn everything 99% the hard way "dont hit your laptop otherwise it wont work and you'll complain about your other one of how slow it is..."
Ugh, I broke the graphics card on it and ya know, that messed it up, but no biggie, the engineers at the repair place can fix it. There's just one problem, and that is "It could come back for boxing day or this week but........ that is if they are working that week" so, if they are not then........ Im messed up for the new year, I'll be pissed off, because my dad does not have a car and I'll still have to walk to college :(
Ugh, saving money is so much harder! (I need £1000 for a new sony) this will make me happy! :D but the downside is, no one in my family cares about me that much to buy me that.
ah, i'll be saving for it until my birthday (15th Aug) ah well, im sure I can wait unless I dont think about it.
:( ah well, Cavedogzoo don't give up that easily even if:
When I was 3 I was secretly adopted by my mum.
When I was 4, my aunt wanted to pay my dad £500,000 to adopt me.
When I was 7 I nearly drowned.
I've been involved in 5 car accidents.
My dad never lends me any money, even when im perfectly capable of paying it back.
I am an anti-vegan, what that means im the oppsite of a vegitarian.
I have an eating disorder.
I nearly died because of hunger pains.
I was clinically underweight for 1 1/2 years at my boarding school.
Ah well, im sure more things are to come in my life, but when I need help, I always prey to god, When I nearly drowned, the doctor said I had a 95% chance of dying. My dad sat next to me, touched my heart. Looked up to the ceiling (as if to look up to god) and said. Dont take my sons life away from me....
The very next day, I left the hospital!!! :D I feel as if God wants me to exist on this planet, like something special....
I have drempt many wierd things in my life including:
I flew on a bar of soap.
I had a race on a Jetski inside someone's intestine.
I had the power to fly.
That I avenged my dad's death.
That I walked into gods "caslte" and he told me the meaning of life "My children need to learn that every minute of life is unique...."
I had immortality for one day.
I could breathe underwater.
I was bart simpson.
I could turn poop into gold.
I walked on water.
I was ruler of the underworld.
Funny facts!!!! (mwa ha ha ha ha)
Every 4 seconds a can of spam is opened world wide.
No matter what denomination of USD bills, they only cost 4 cents to make.
Cats urine will glow under a fly attracting light.
Rats cant throw up.
There is no such thing as gold ore.
There is sometimes no such thing as silver ore.
Even up to this date, copper is still the most used metal.
The rarest blood type is AH- only 6 people have it in the entire earth.
The size of an average apple is about the size of one of earth's atoms.
Earth takes 6 hours longer to orbit the sun in one full year. So techically, we're all a little older.
Babies in china are considered a year old as soon as they are born.
The next total eclypse will not happen in the UK until 2800 or so.
The average human memory is 1.5TB (1500GB's)
20 mins of HD dvd movies is 3.5TB (3500GB's)
The internet is 5EB's big. (ummmmm... 5,000,000,000GB's)
Fact means the inconvertrible truth.
Back in 1920, in plays using the word "bloody" was a very strong swear word.
In some very rough "pubs" (bars) in britian, the barmaids are topless.
Found in backpool tower, and many places is a coin crusher. It takes 50pence and crushes a penny into a wierd shape.
Fresh bread is more healthy than plain bread.
The pips on a burger can sometimes get stuck in the back of your mouth or thoat.
The temperature of the sun is 5,500,000,000 centigrade.
In the UK, the sun is the most popular news paper because of the women on page 3.
Jamie oliver (a famous chief) calls parents who give thier children coke Wan***'s.
A gram of cocaine will cost £40.
Tobbaco is the worlds most addictive drug.
Coca plants were smoked in olden times.
The apple company's co-chairman makes $1 per year.
The average house price in london is £400,000 (or $800,000)
Pennies are the most common coin and well known for being on the floor.
There, I've said my facts I do have lots more but my fingers ache.... :D
well bye bye........ :(
Firstly, many thanks for all the merry xmas comments I have recieved from everyone, Second i'd like to wish everyone on tv.com a merry chistmas and a happy new year. :D
Also, some things im expecting or already know I have.
-£200 from my dad (yay! money!)
-A computer game of some sort or money from my aunt.
-Ugh, a load of chistmas crackers to open with my dad (yes I live alone with my dad)
-christmas carol signers... Argh, they are here! the former halloweeners that want more!!! well my dad gives each one the = of $2.
-yay! lyokouniverse is going to get a special update!!!
hmmmmmmmm, not much more to say that will get me many comments....
Anyway, see you on new years day, when I announce the re-opening of the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bye bye..............
My thanks:
Loco4siempre: Loco..... oh loco.... Without your photoshop knowledge I would of been lost in the abyss. Also, very good friend some of the thing he's told me over the months I'd never know.
Lyokooddfan: Goffy is an excellent guy I met who is almost a clone of 1-2-1Matthew (scary!) still, he's helped me edge on with the site, and helped put me back in the game after I gave up. So people! when you visit lyokouniverse in 2007, thank Goffy will you!!!
1-2-1Matthew: You know that I could not do almost anything without you, he's helped me with almost everything I've had trouble with. From starting up lyokouniverse to helping me with wow. I cant thank you enough barnes, and im coming to see ya in June!!!!
Woah, for those of you who want to know just how big this update is, take a look at the long list....... It is not complete yet, and im still working on it to get the most out of this update.
Firstly, I'd like to thank:
Loco4siempre (becuase he's stuck on my back, he always replies to everything I say... :D, not to mention he got me in the userbar game, and!!! he gave me an invaluable tip.)
Skizzo23 (yes, skizzo has been offically added to the LU legacy, because he helps so much!!! he's given me great ideas for new pages in lu, and he's gonna advertise our forum on.... wait for it.... 200 websites!!!!)
1-2-1Matthew. (My best scout. When I need something, if he's up to it, he'll say ok. Also, a person which first started the LU legacy, and helped me lift it off the ground...)
Lyokooddfan, aka: Goffy! (Goffy has advertised on tv.com about lyokouniverse. Great support, great compainion. better than the windows search dog :P)
Now for the update plans!!!!
(NOTE) the updates are what is to be complete by January 1st 2007.
Lyokouniverse version 5
Changed the userbars to look more snazzy and more cool looking
Made a new homepage logo, (in spite of the V5 plan of course)
Cleaned the shoutbox, so its fresh and ready for comments!
Changed the backgrounds on the homepage, for another snazzy look.
Designed a new banner (well, whats a site without a banner?!)
Moved the userbars down, so the "Code lyoko related" is not the piczo profile box.
New sections include: Media section, Want to help? and Fanart section, Funny section, And CL news. And also, FAQ section.
Placed the hit counter on every page. (So you can keep track of how LU is doing :D)
Changed the old design on the site so that you can read the information easier.
Finished the Navigation system on each page.
Changed the page dialog, so instead of "About Jeremie" You'll see the Jeremie user bar on top of the page.
Changed the default homepage icon of a house, and instead stuck a userbar of the homepage there.
Removed the total annihilation sections. (To save page space, and it was too compicated for users to install properly)
Designed our own Lyokouniverse userbar link. (So other websites can link us if we agree to link them vise/versa)
The about me section has been brung back from the "old useless pages in piczo" and re-made into a shiny section! it details all about Us, how we work. And our credits. Its like a little hall of fame for the people that took part in the LU legacy, details if you wish to help us or any FAQ's you may have.
Changed the "Default theme override". Now users can change thier theme so it is within thier profile, not the entire forums.
Edited some forum description to allow an easier understanding to the forum.
New rank pics. (The crappy old stars will be changed, to make your rank appear more better!)
Rule change. (Some rules may be changed, more rules added in the future.)
Topic cleanup: Some old topics that have no info for new members, or meaningless topics that are outdated are moved to the graveyard.
Made some new rewards based on the user. Now there is new ranks to work for! the ranks include: "Golden poster" (the user with the most posts in the entire forum). "...ARGH!" (the user who says the word "ARGH" the most out of anyone else). And finnaly, the user who is the moderator of the most forum topics in the entire forums is the "Grand Moderator" (and being a grand moderator, you have the power to moderate every single forum, because you earned the honour).
How to obtain the VIP ranks are now explained. A user has to earn 5 stars given by the admins. (by winning competitions, etc)
woah this is a long blog! (my longest yet) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! want to help the LU legacy? then email me, or PM me.
Sroll down you lazy bugger and read the profile info!!! (my email is there) :D
Well such a long blog, and also I think I broke my record for the most blogs in 1 day!!! (well for me).
Bye bye! (about 4 hours later will I post another, scroll down Incase you missed something!)
Yeah its happened, I've got back into userbars (however old they may be now) Sorry to scare you with Beck and Keith loco, just I had to do it. Beck is my fav character in the anime
Beck the mongolian chop squad. :D (yes the band is named after the dog)
Here are some userbars I made recently (Must not forget that the Cavedogzoo userbar in my sig was loco's skills not mine :D)
Anyway, lookie! :D :
Comments please on my new designs, and I've even got into animated userbars (even one for LU! :D)
here is a "test" one, as I was a noob to animating gif files.
And later, here was one when I got a little better at animating, like loco's userbar of Majora (WOAH I loved it ;) ) my one is not that good, but I like to feel good about it.
I have made new userbars for lyokouniverse, (the version 5!) only some are to preview, because I want the little sneak peak kinda thing. :D
(yes they are half the size of normal ones, because it saves a LOT of space on the poor poor homepage.)
Well, till next time peeps, have fun. And oh, these userbars are of my work!!!! you may use them but!:
1. Dont say that you designed them, or you made them, or with any help, blah blah blah. (loco made me one and im not ashamed to admit it)
2. You may NOT use them for your site! Certainly not. Not my work you aint! when you design something you'll learn how copyright hurts!
3. Of course, you may show them to friends, but say this was made by Cavedogzoo :D
4. One last thing! (hehe) Im known on google! :D type in Cavedogzoo to find the strange places I've been over the months.
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