actually, giving the enemy dinner does yield resorts. It is part of the "kill them with kindness" program the government does. They give valuable prisoners a nice cell, food, phone calls, a lawyer...then they talk to them. The prisoner loosens up, and admits that he is scared for his family.
"What if we go and get your family and bring them to the US?" asks the interrogator
"You'd do that? Then, here..." and the prisoner spills the beans
It has been proven to work so often it is standard operating procedure and, unlike torture, the data has been found to be highly accurate.
What is he? You're enemy or your golfing buddy? Torture him, get the information, then shoot him in the head.
maybe you missed the point where I said that torture yields faulty information the majority of the time.
these terrorists are either 1.) highly trained insurgents with a distorted belief, or 2.) poor, uneducated masses who have lost everything but their faith.
I am not making a sob story, simply stating the facts. For the latter terrorists, they problably have never slept on a bed as good as the one in their jail cell. Theyre problably used to eating crappy food in a hot climate, as opposed to an air conditioned building with hot, relatively-yummy meals provided three times a day.
A simple offer of keeping their family safe and making their stay in prison a littlenicer and shorteris usually all it takes to get solid information out of them
I'd cut pieces off of them until they give in instead.
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