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Gap - Aix... Aix - Gap...Here and There...

Hi, people!

I have my (little) own place. I have a computer and Internet and I'm really happy and satisfied living there. Sure, I miss my parents, my brother and friends. My mam is really upset and sometimes when I call home I can feel that she's in tears... That makes me sad, uncomfortable and everything like that. So, I come back every weekend. 150 km aren't too far, but it's really annoying when I'm travelling on the bus - there are too many people and not enough space to breath (I do love people, but not so close to me)... The train is much better!! And then, there is something... I've moved on but I still come back. And that troubles me a little, 'cause I left and at the same time I'm still here...

I think I told you everything important... Oh yeah, Monday it's my first day in college, I mean first-lessons-day :D

Take care!

Some French...

Et tu me manques, chaque jour qui passe, je n'arrête pas de penser à toi. Et ça fait mal de te savoir loin. Mais ce qui fait le plus mal, c'est tout ce que j'imagine, des situations, qui ne seront jamais, ton visage que je ne verrais peut-être plus. Et mon cœur pleure, mais mes yeux sont secs. Mon âme crie, mais ma bouche reste silencieuse. Et personne ne voit ce qui se passe avec moi, et personne ne peut comprendre ce qu'il y a en moi. Et moi, je lutte avec la raison qui dit de t'oublier, et avec ce cœur qui t'aime encore, et qui ne t'oubliera jamais, parce que tu lui manque si fort. Et je suis déçue par ta faiblesse, par on inconstance. Je voudrais pouvoir revenir en arrière, ou alors accélérer le temps pour savoir si ça me passera ou alors je souffrirai à jamais… Tu étais la cause de mon existence, maintenant tu es la cause de mon absence au monde.

And here I am...

Hi from Aix-en-Provence!

I'm here since last week, but I had to store my stuff in the new place. The flat is not so big - 16m² but it's fine for me. I have a room, where I sleep, there is also a table to do my homework, then I have a little kitchen and a bathroom. It's pretty nice :) I enjoy being here, the center is not far away. I know some girls, who study here, too. Three of them were in my high school, one is my brother's friend's sister, and the next one is a colleague from work. I met her this summer.

Today, it was my first day in college. Pretty nice, too. I'll be studying English and Russian, as you know. We have to make a choice about options, I think I'll go with Spanish, 'cause I can't pick up Bulgarian :-( I have to decide until the next week.

Well, I think that's all for now. I'll be around, but I don't know if I'll have enough time to spend on the Internet.

So... Lots of love,


Shopping 's tiring... Men are crazy

As you know I was working for 2 months and I got some money... Well as I'm moving to another place in another city I had to buy a lot of things...Things I didn't notice before, like stuff for cleaning (I'm not sure that's right 'cause I'm thinking in French) I also bought a lot of clothes: jeans, dresses... Almost everything I loved :oops: Should I be feeling guilty?

I still don't have boyfriend but a friend of mine, who's married... He really would like us to be together but I can't... And that's my problem for the moment, 'cause I really 'd like to have someone next to me, but not someone married, even if he's only 25, very good-looking and everything... I'm right not to go out with him, yeah?

Well, I think it's all I had to tell you... I'll write you again, once I'll be in my own place.



My place...


So.... How is September going for you ? :P I have two more days to work and then I move to Aix. Today we were there with my parents and I could see my place, pretty small, but pretty nice, too.I have to buy some stuffs, to take my books and all I need (almost all my room here :D)

I could watch OTH today. Pretty nice to have them back, but I didn't like the Dan's scenes - too much for me. He should be dead, and the nanny... She should be far far away... There's too much drama in this show.

now it's time to watch Bones, so... see you soon people.


One More Week

Hey you!

I can't wait until the end of this week. Enough with work, I want some holidays and I want to spend some time with my family and friends.. I didn't imagine that working can be so tiring :roll:

As I've been working all the day, it's time to take a shower ;)

Lots of love

The Hitcher

Grace Andrews and Jim Halsey are tormented by a mysterious hitchhiker named John Ryder, a.k.a. The Hitcher.

The young couple hit the road on route to spring break. Ryder dangerously stands on the road, near his car, which apparently has broken down. After passing they worry that they might have hit him. When they see that he is unharmed, Grace insists that they do not give him a ride as he could be dangerous.

Later they arrive at a gas station. After Grace decides to go to the bathroom, Jim fills up his car and sees Ryder climb out of a tractor-trailer cab. After going inside, Ryder comes back out and begins using the phone. Ryder introduces himself and asks for a ride. Reluctantly Jim agrees...(from wikipedia)

Just loved that movie. If you have some free time - watch it :))

Here again :P

Hey, you!

I'm almost done with work, I finish on 8th, and then I'm moving to Aix. As I'll have internet there I could be more and more present :) I miss forums and discussions about shows. And more important I miss my shows such as Bones and NCIS...

So, how was your summer ? Did you do what you was planning to do ?

Hug you people!


Smiles from France

hi everyone!!

I hope you're fine, you enjoy your summer and everything is just alright. I'm working until 8th Sept, then I'm moving to Aix-en-Provence, and on 16th Sept I'll be studying English and Russian at college.

I can't wait until my Bones comes back, there isn't too much time left :D I'm curious to see what's going to happen now. I miss my squints so much!

Well, take care people and I hope I'll see you for more longtime next tim.



Grey's Anatomy

As I have some Relax-days in the week I started watching Grey's Anatomy - It's really great! And Derek is really hot :oops: Now I'm on season 2, I can't wait until Sunday to watch the next episodes. All the characters are amazing, funny and always surprising.Until now my favourite are The Nazi(=As most of the time I watch the show in French, I'm not sure if it is the way they call her in English), Grey, Derek and Christina.

See you soon people!


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