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dess__ Blog

Have a great Summer Everyone!


What's new in here?

I'm sorry not to be very present last time. I'm working as a waitress, it's my first job. I didn't think it would be so hard... there are a lot of people and always someone who dislikes what we have... Why aren't we less capricious? Can't we just be OK with what we have?! However... I'm working with some Russian and Belorussian girls - very nice and always smiling. My French colleagues are also fine, except one girl. She's working as a waitress there for 4 years now and... sometimes she acts as if she was the boss, and I don't like it. And she doesn't know that my step-dad is the president of the association. And I think I'll make a murder before the end of the summer (I'm working until the end of August).

How is your summer? Boy/Girl-friends? (I have no time for it but some times I really would like someone by my side.

Lots of love,


By the Way...

I'm graduated !! I passed all my exams and I'm the happiest person in the world :D

Take care of you people!!

Lots of Love


Same Mistake

I'm not calling for a second chance
Give me reason, but don't give me choice
Cause I'll just make the same mistake again...

And I dream of a day off, of him far away from me, out of my mind.

10 interesting facts about me

Thanks to GiX_MiX I have received that "I've been tagged and now you are! Write a blog about 10 interesting facts about you and tag 5 more people."...

So, 10 interesting facts about me :

1- My entire name is Desislava Valentinova Boshnakova, but almost everybody call me Dess.

2- I'm Bulgarian, living in France and going to leave to Belgium in September.

3- I was born on 1st January 1990 at 4.00 a.m. There aren't many people born the same day as me. Then, I'm Capricorn and proud f being ;) :P

4- I'm 18 and I had only 3 boy-friends until now. We stayed together for 3 years with one of them.

5- My favorite number is 4. I'm the 4th person in my family (before my mother got married my step-dad; Before we lived on the 4th floor;I have 4 best friends; I have 4 brothers and sisters - one brother, one half-brother and two half-sisters; I speak 4 languages - Bulgarian, French, English and Spanish...

6- I really love reading. I always have a book on my desk, and I'm always reading something. Now t's "Je croyais qu'il suffisait de t'aimer" in English that should sound like "I thought loving you was enough"

7- I did all sorts of sport - from martial arts to oriental dance.

8- I have been almost all over Europe - Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, England, Switzerland, Poland, Belorussia, Russia, Croatia, Slovenia, ex-Yugoslavia... Now I'd like to visit the USA and may be some countries in South America to speak Spanish.

9- I love writing poems and... It may seem crazy but I'd like to publish them some day.

10- I love myself :P And I didn't know there are so many interesting things about me.

Lots of love people,


Exams Over

And here we are. Exams are finally over!

I had my last one today; I had to talk about an add about pollution and the Tempest passage in David Copperfield. I think I did well. Now I'm waiting for my results : 4th July!

I let you know if we'll have a big party or a bigger one :P ;)

Take care of you,people! Summer is here (party)



English Exam and New Level !!

Finally... It's almost done, I have just one more exam, oral one in English and I'll be Free. That's sounds just... so great. I can't wait my summer holidays... even if I'm working it'll be fine :) Sun came back, the swimming pool is open - "Espresso - what else?" :lol:

And... I'm level 9 today!! Rank: Door Number 2 ahahahahaha that's enormous.

oh yeah, I have a question for you people : do you have myspace ? If you want you can give it to me, I'll add you as a friend :)

Good night everybody.

Lots of love,


Almost over

Literature... It was great. We had two questions on a book by a French author. And it wasn't difficult at all.

Tomorrow we go with English exam. It will be fine, as far as I love English and (I think) I'm fine using it :)) Then, on Monday I have my last exam. Another one still in English. I'll have an unknown document and one passage of David Copperfield. I hope it'll be OK.

Love you all.


Exams... Again...

...Sure it was better than yesterday. All I want is it's enough better :P

In Geography we had Russia, we had to make map... Not too hard but there aren't too many things to say, so I don't know...

And in History - France's place in the world since 1945... hope it's enough good, too.

Hug you people.

(I'm going to work on my literature)



Philosophy Exam...

Is it possible to educate perception?

Yeah.... Great question, isn't it? I like phylosophy and it's interesting but... Who could have had such a fool idea to make an exam on it?

I hope my next exam (tomorrom) will be something better. I'd like something about Europe or the USA in Geography and maybe the WW II in History...

Thinking of you...



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