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destressedgamer Blog

Confusion usually leads to..embarassment

This morning I thought that I had school. So I got up 6:50 AM this morning got ready, went to the bus and found out that I DONT HAVE SCHOOL! Turns out only the elementary school started today but the middle school starts TOMORROW! But my calender said it started on the 7th. But really it started on the 8th so why would they put 7th..if it was the 8th?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anyway, what's done is done. But BArney knew that the ENTIRE time and he could have told me but NOOOO! Gaming world for me has been very exciting. I just saw some video clips of Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi and Prince of Persia 3 and they look awesome! Now I'm definently getting it and PoP 3 doesn't look bad either! Money is no longer a problem :) Thank God! That's all

Anticipation growing....

School is about to begin and I'm not happy. I don't know what 8th grade will have in store for me. I'm hoping I get into a class with at least one of my best friends. And I'm hoping to dear god that Johnathon Greeno/Asselin aren't in my class. I don't know who our teacher will be, but I'm hoping he/she is nice. It just seems that my summer vacation disapeared so quickly, I mean tomorrow is a school night! Jeez, I'm gonna party like no tomorrow, while I'm still a free man.

The agonising prison known as "School" to adults is growing closer and soon we'll have no where to hide. Anyway, in the gaming world I am once again thinking about what next-gen system to get. I know I'm getting the Revolution, that's a givin right there. But the PS3 I'm not so sure. I don't know if I could save up that money. Games however I pretty much have covered, I already have enough saved money for a game right now but I don't plan on spending it till the end of the month (when I'll have bags of money! to speak) and my most anticipated PS2 game is being released November 8th so I can't wait for that.

Besides, the first month of school is gonna fly by, very quickly because teachers never give us hard work on the first month! But when October begins WHAM they slam the hard work on us so ferociously it crushes us to death! Which reminds me of Resident Evil 4!Which by the way I've beaten again and now I'm on the 2nd round...oh yeah. And I ALMOST have enough money for the Infiniite Rocket laucher! And strangly enough the gun with the most bullets is my Magnum! Heh, go figure. That's all for me...HELP! SCHOOL IS COMING! AHHHGH!

School Blows

I haven't been writing lately and I've decided to write because I have nothing better to do. I just wanted to say how much I hated school before it startss because it's my last chance this year and I'll probably forget saying it next year so I'll say it here to make it official...School Blows Ass And Always Will!!!!!!!!!!!. That was invigorating. It actually $uck$ but it wouldn't let me post it.

Richard got me back into Resident Evil4 and I beat it which was one of the best games I've ever played but Devil May Cry 3 could still compare. But since I love them both to death I geuss it'll have to be a draw. I'm in the 2nd round in RE4 and on the special costumes section and realized just how Hot Ashley is in tight leather pants! Or in any other clothing that is or without any.....nevermind. I plan on buying The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction very soon (when I have the money) and while we're on this topic I'd like to say that my money problem is partially over! And it has been for awhile I just didn't post it.

Allowance used to be 6$ a week but now it's 12$ a week! School is edging itself closer and closer which is a bad thing and I'm growing more and more sorrow with each passing day. I can't beleive how fast my summer vacation went by. That is all, Bye!

An Update


I haven't been writing lately because Mom always is on the computer and other stuff. My computer time has been limited to an hour and I was pissed off at it...well technically I've always been on a limit but today it was enforced :) Dad has been e_mailing me, which was unexpected. I just bought Devil May Cry and at first I thought it sucked and was thinking about bringing it back but after awhile I got used to the different controls and now it's awesome!

Barney and Mom got in another fight but I broke it up (again) but everything seems to be going along alright now (even though Mom is still a little pissy about some of the reasons). We're about to have supper but Barney is late ( as usual) and I'm preparing to hear his complaining. As soon as he gets here he's gonna say how his shoulder hurts, rules for the house, and something that someone else did that was stupid.

Anyway, I'm not looking forward to going back to school (for obvious reasons) but it inevitably gets closer everyday. I plan on writing a letter to Kamahra soon, possibly this week. I'm hoping I can get: The incredible hulk: Ultimate Destruction, The Matrix: Path of Neo,and Dragon Ball Z Budokai: Tenkaichi. Money, money, money. Wish I had it. That's all for me.

Kamahra has hotmail??

Recently I learned that Richard and Kimahra both have MSN Messenger and e_mail address's. Kimahra is never on though and she hasn't returned my e_mails yet.

I finally ebat Devil May Cry Normal mode but now I'm on the 11th level in Hard mode. This is one of the best games I've ever played. So good that I am getting the other 2 in the series. But I'm finding out how hard it is to find them. As if I had any money in the 1st place. I have a total of something dollars.....Barney gave me a bunch of pennies but I haven't counted them up yet. But there is a'lot to count. Bye

Where am I?

I'm at Dads! I didn't think that Stephanie would let me on the computer so I never thought to ask until today that is. We went to Glace bay yesterday to see Carter and the rest. He let me borrow "NHL 2005" but it'll be awhile before we give back the games. We also went to MIra river for a swim and guess who I saw. Samantha Boutilier!! We didn't talk to each other in fACT i WAsn't even sure she remembered who I was. She's gained a few pounds and grew out her hair...ow. We also went to see Sky High! It was a good movie but not great, I found some of the storyline kinda lame.

Then Alexandra got Dad pissed of for awhile for...reasons. But besides that we a great time in Sydney, Glace bay! I miss my friends and I plan on calling Delano when I'm the only one in the house. I forgot to mention that we were also at the mall yesterday looking for a Weird al' yankovic CD! It is starting to turn into a chore looking for these! By the time we found a store that had them, they were out of stock....:evil:. Hope I find it soon, I think they'll have some in Truro.

I learnt how to play Tarabish! It's fun but Dad's always lecturing me. I actually learnt this awhile ago but I forgot to put it in my last entry.I'm out, see yah!

Ouch, Harry potter hurts.

I just finished reading the 6th Harry Potter book and the ending surprised me like a slap in the face! I found that it was a very depressing ending. This book is very good but not the best in the series. The main plot was kinda weird and the ending wasn't as exciting in the other books. But Snape killing Dumbledore?? Why would Rowling kill such an important character? There can't be another Harry Potter book without Dumbledore! He's always the guy who gives the story the most suspense!

I also found that some of the life changing things that happen to Harry were dismissed quickly. Like when Harry was made Quidditch captain! There was no celebration and it seems that almost noone cared! And when Ginny became his girlfriend, it all happened in 1 page! The plot itself wasn't as good as the others. The book itself raised more questions than it answers.

Snape being evil at the beginning of the book kind of surprised me 'cause I thought he actually was good because Dumbledore was the best Legilimens in the wizarding world but I overlooked the fact that Snape was one the best Occlumens there was. Why wouldn't Dumbledore think it was suspicous that Snape was hiding his thoughts from him?

The fake lockit was also a slap in the mouth. Who could possibly get there besides Voldemort, Dumbledore, or Harry? Noth only did Rowling take the most interesting character out of the book but she made him die for no reason! He died trying to get something that was already destroyed!

The thing the book thought us was Voldemorts history which I thought at first to be rather pointless. Overall the book was good but I expect a little more from Rowling next time and since I'm a HUGE fan of the series that's saying a'lot.

12 days at Dads

I just got back from Lake ainslie yesterday. We went to P.E.I. and I got to see all my cousins and uncles and aunts. I plan on getting a'few CD's over the summer. I'm a little more interested in music lately. I want to get a CD walkman. Weird al' yankovic is the artist I'm looking at right now and I plan to get some Matrix albums because I love the Matrix music. I got 2 new games for the PS2 which are Oni, and Final fantasy 10.

Final fantasy wasn't exactly what I was expecting. I thought that you'd be able to actualy fight with the character instead of telling him what to do. I played it a little bit but I plan to give a little more of a chance. Richard is comin' over today and we're gonna watch Spaceballs which is like the funniest movie ever!

I'm getting the 6th Harry potter book today! I hope it's as good or even better than the other books! Money seems to be my issue lately. I hardly get any money. Right now I have 20$, I'll have about 5$ when I get my book. That's all right now I suppose.

Here and there

Hmmmmm.... where to begin. I haven't made any entries lately because I went to my father's house for 5 days. I came back so I can go to my other Grandparents house (Ontario) which I'm going to, tomorrow. 17 1/2 hr drive :( and we're only staying there for 2 DAYS :evil:!!!!! Then I'm goin' back to dad's house in Lake Ainslie till the end of August.

Just had Amy's graduation (Yay!!:)) so a'lot of my family came down and holy crap. I realized how big my family is. Aunts, Great aunt, uncles, great incles, great grandparents, cousins, and cousin in-laws. The most disturbing part of it was when I saw the fat man with beady eyes staring at me ( imagine boss hog from Dukes of Hazzard only with less hair, red face, and a little chubbier). When I first came in he asked me who I was and called me a stranger. I came in again about... 40 mins later and saw him staring at me then I walked right back out.

This morning Grampa was rambing on on how much he hated my cousin Christine and how much her and her husband adam ate and how ignorant they were. I found it entertaining myself 'cause I've never heard Grampa swear before ;). I don't adams that bad but I don't think he's that much better either.

I might be gettin' Destroy All Humans! tomorrow. But I'm not to sure if it'll be good or not. Some reviews say it's awesome and others say it sucks beyond hell. There are none in the middle. I put a post up asking whether to buy it or not so far I had 5 people answer it. Waitin' for more answers.

I got three new games for grading (Burnout 3: Takedown, Devil May Cry 3: Dantes awakening, and Dead to rights) and they're all awesome!!! Dad always gets on my case about me playing the game to much but I can't help it.

Just talked to both of my friends but not Kimarah 'cause I can't talk to girls seriously (especially on the phone). That's all I have for now, bye.


Me and Richard were here today when Delano made a surprise visit. Earlier today Richard asked me if I wanted to go over to his house but I said no 'cause I wasn't feeling up for it. Then Delano asks and I want to yet I don't at the same time 'cause it would hurt Richards feelings.

So here I am. I was supposed to get my microphone today but mom got sick so instead shes gettin' it tomorrow. I got a bit further in Super Smash Bros. Today was a boring day, I'm gonna go now.

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