Think I'll probably still wait for the PC edition. Who knows, maybe I'll get both. Although the only games I've ever purchased more than once were squaresoft games from the 90s
So combat is pretty much the same unless you ramp up the difficulty? The arcadey-button mashing combat from DA2 was off putting. The mundane story didn't help either
@Aaronp2k I'd have to agree. This isn't quite enough yet for me to get a Wii U. But I'm definitely receptive if the price goes down a bit. On Amazon I see Wii U / Super 3D world going for about $315 USD (at least I did 3 hours ago, can't find it now).
@Necrotron @bluebird08 When was the last time a rail shooter came out? I think dead space had one for the Wii. And then there's Time Crisis but those were out in the 90s
I had an enjoyable time playing thief. Thought it was a great stealth game. Didn't have any issues with AI (played on master difficulty). Its about a 7.5/10 (PC version)
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