The days of me trying to get people to show Halo a little bit of respect are over. They are gonna hate it regardless. I know how good the series is. That is all that matters. They only hate it because they can't play it anyway.
deu5ka175's forum posts
Day one purchase for me. Probably get whatever collector's edition it releases with.
I played it for about 2 hours today. I thought it ran decent enough but the hit detection seems like it needs some work. I think I am just burned out on Counter-strike. Probably should of got Deadlight instead.
All of XBLA's great games and I am blowing it on Counter-strke.....:?
[QUOTE="Kinthalis"]I see a lot of multiplats in that list. :cool: Come on Son. You know these guys would not know this.... They live in their own world remember?From that list, which by the way is an absolutley menaingless amalgamation of random critics:
Command and conquer
Grim Fandango
company of heroes
Unrela tournament 2k4
Star Craft 2
Home World
War Craft 3
System Shock 2
Rome Total War
Age of Empire 2
Alpha Century
Unrela tournament
Galactic Civ 2
Baldur's Gate
Free Space 2
WOW: burning crusade
The longest journey
Battlefield 2
Planescape Tormet
Neverwinter Nights
Call of Duty
(The Pc verisons of these games are essentially very different (and much better), but you can omit them if you want)
The Sims 2
The Sims
Team fortress 2
Again, that list means nothing though. Plenty of more games don't exist in their library or only feature some critics and not others at random, and many feature several ratings above 90, but with some biased publication declaring it a 5 or something bringing down the average.
Meta critic is meaningless, as many people have been talkign about recently do to the shameful attention it gets from idiot corporate idiots.
Or in other words:
You sir are a gigantic numbskull.
Actually just thinking about Hermits is general makes me....
and I think of their social life and..
and when thinking about their love life in the future I just....
You are such a blunt tool 360 does have a game like Uncharted. Its called Tomb Raider. You know? The game that gave Naughty Dot the Uncharted idea? Aside form the obvious rip off of Tom Raider and the horrible endings, the mediocre gun play is what stops Uncharted from being as good as you want it to be. You obsession with a piece of plastic is actually kind of scary.It's only lems who say that, anyone that has played both will agree that Uncharted is the better game in every single way. The two games are not even comparable, I laugh at people when they say they are similar, it's obvious they have never played it before.
Sorry lems, but the 360 has nothing like Uncharted, and it never will because MS 1st party does not have the talent like Naughty Dog does. If you want Uncharted, which you do, your just going to have to buy a PS3.
It also blows Gears out the water in grapics too, but then again what PS3 exclusive doesn't?
EDIT: I am being too harsh though, Gears is a good series and is easliy the best 360 exclusive (sorry but Halo sucked this gen), though it has a stupid storyline.
Dirt Showdown, Witcher 2, and a buttload on XBLA stuff.
The oppostite of arkephonic.
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