deuce85's forum posts
since jonny was in mgs1
doesnt that make him a genome soldier.
AKA clone of big boss?
I was thinking the same thing...Digitized DNA, not analog (Like Liquid and Solid), but still.
No offence, but almost all of the MGS5 theories I've heard have sucked. I don't think a game set after MGS4 would work too well since there's no where you could take it. Without the main cast it just wouldn't be the same.
If they do prequels I'd want them to be set in between MPO and the original MG (a whole 25 years to explore). I personally don't give a damn about what happened to Raiden in between MGS2 and MGS4. It's just not necessary. Whatever he was doing isn't worth dedicating a whole game to.
before big boss dies of foxdie, he went on telling old snake that during that tym frame he was put into a cryogenic sleep. it wasnt until the patriots (AI) was destroyed that he was released from that state. the original members of la-li-lu-le-lo were big boss, zero, sigit(darpha chief), paramedic, who are all dead prior/towards the end of the game. it was late in the night when i finished the game but i believe that was how it ended.FreshDimSum
[spoiler] That sleep was for 15 years (Big Boss' fall at Zanzibar Land when he was presumed dead) from 1999 until 2014. And it wasn't when the system was destroyed, it was when Liquid Ocelot took over the system with Solidus' DNA (the perfect clone of Big Boss) that Big Boss had been released. Remember when Big Boss told Snake that "Naomi wanted me to tell you about the new foxdie in your body" where he went on to explain how it also killed Big Mama, etc. Naomi was dead when Snake destroyed the system, would have been difficult explaining it to Big Boss then. [/spoiler]
I was reminded of this thread:
One more thing Sam Fisher would woop Snake's ass and do it more realistically sneaking....I mean seriously what is so espionage about hiding under a BOX!!!!KillerC15122
What's so stealth about wearing 3 bright green lights on your head?
i have never..NEVER seen a game list (from 1-100) FAIL like this one...i would kill my puppy before this list is taken srsly.. what a Fing joke..Pinkyimp
Poor puppy.
That list makes me want to stick a dinner fork in my eye.
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