Well it is true that many games will be compared to COD4 because of it's great graphics and compelling gameplay (definitely online). But comparing a FPS with a Stealth Action Espionage game is simply ignorant. There is no grounds for comparison apart for graphics and sound and MGS4 wins that hands down.
But the truth is that COD4 is nothing more then the latest thing in First Person Shooters and in 1 year most people won't even remember it or look back at it because of the genre's temporary nature. I am certain that everyone has played a FPS in his life, like DOOM, Quake, COD, Battlefield, UT or any other. But how many of these games are picked up again or even remembered, once the latest installement in the series is released.
From what I've heard the online gaming of COD4 will be surpassed by the next Battlefield game (Battlefield: Bad Company).
COD4 didn't change anything to the gaming world in general but show some nicer graphics and in the FPS world COD4 only made action smoother and the online part more accesible. Nothing I lay awake from new on the horizon.
This is where MGS is different. It will set a standard for gaming, not just in it's genre, but beyond genres and beyond platforms.
PS: if you don't like to lose a discussion on an internet forum, begin by actually making statements that make sense. COD4 is better then MGS4! Lol, what were you thinking?
I hope this is different enough from the other replies.
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