The excitement starts with the fact that Metal Gear Solid was one of the best PS1 games(along with FFVII, RE2, etc), Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty was one of the best PS2 games(along with both God of Wars, FFX, etc)...not to mention the emotion and cinematic beauty that all of the games have become synonymous with. If you played these games, you would understand that.
MGS is an extremely successful franchise, and MGS has done many things for Sony, and vice versa. The hype for this game is justified...not only does it not look 'underwhelming' or whatever it is the people in this thread have said, but don't judge a 4th game in a series if you haven't played the first 3, let alone not 1 of them.
For example, Devil May Cry 4...I've never played a Devil May Cry before, so needless to say, I'm not all that excited for DMC4...but does it look underwhelming? No, because I imagine myself being a person who's stuck with the series from the beginning. Their Dante is my Solid Snake.
What's your favorite game series? Who's your hero? Is it Zelda, is your hero Link? Is it Halo, is your hero Master Chief? I've never played these games, so I don't look up to Link and Master Chief as my hero--but I appreciate what they're like to some people, because that is what Solid Snake is to me. Try thinking of it that way...
To end this rant, I'll say that I beat the first Metal Gear Solid when I was 9 years old, going on 10. This game had a very big impact on my life. The first PS2 game I ever played/saw in PS2 graphics was Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. And, easily the most emotional experience I've ever had with a game was Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater...I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
...I tried my best to express just WHY this game is so important to so many people, and why it is looked at as a 'savior', whether the PS3 needs one or not. TC, do yourself a favor--play The Twin Snakes(MGS1 remake), then play MGS2, then play MGS3, and then come and tell me you're not excited for MGS4, and then proceed to make an appointment for a CT scan.
Thank you for your time.
Very well said...
Can't wait for MGS4.
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