@dah_master Not everyone knows how to create or has the money to go out and buy a whole new high end gaming PC, not to mention those that prefer a gamepad over a mouse and keyboard like myself for FPS games. Yes, trying to play a RTS game on consoles is frustrating like no other and the same goes for dungeon crawlers like Diablo but ripping on consoles at this point is ridiculous. People are getting sick of the "I'm a PC gamer so im better than all of you console f*gs" crap. I play on PC and the consoles- so what? Means nothing.
@Edged_out As for 720p vs. 1080p on tvs smaller than around 45" (unless used as a computer monitor) you don't notice that extra detail anyway. I have a 37" LG 720p and it looks exactly the same as my friends 60" 1080p Samsung. FPS means nothing unless you get a game like New Vegas where it slows to a chug occasionally (and usually freezes) once your save file gets over or around 10MB. I never saw any issue with any of the BF games frame rates.
@Edged_out On Gamespot COD never made it above 9 and BF consistintly gets high scores too. BF2 got 9.3. Where your coming up with that crap is beyond me.
@night-dreamers You said " Would you mind (kindly, please too)" And all I can say is........................... Would you kindly? :-) Bwa Ha Ha Hopefully someone understands that Bioshock reference.........
@COLDFIRE25 There are alot of great competitors for GOTY this year. Don't forget Dark Souls however, it's predecessor Demon's Soul's won 2 years ago. Between BF3, Skyrim, Dark Souls, Uncharted 3 and a few other goodies such as Gears 3, Resistance 3, L.A Noire (which bored me to death but will be nominated for GOTY, I said it first!) and *POSSIBLY* MGS: Rising it will be a very tight race for GOTY. MW3 will more than likely be nominated but I think thats expected by now even though theres nothing new about the game.
@Scottisme I agree. After playing Battlefield and going back and playing COD for a bit I found that the constant adjusting of my perks and such was very annoying. BO had so much extra crap in it challenge and perks wise I felt I spent more time looking at stats and changing perks than I did playing. I'm a BF player on PS3 but for those that are talking about BF3's graphics the PS3 and 360 isn't going to look like that. Those shots are all amazing but all run on VERY expensive high end PC's. The pre-alpha demo of BF3 (PS3 version) they shown on Jimmy Fallon's show looked good but nowhere near what you see above. But then again, it is pre alpha and lots of polish will be added. I am assuming BF3 will look better on PS3 than on the 360 (BC2 did and yes I played both, I played the 360 version when PSN went down and I couldn't stand how different they looked. In fact, the difference in contrast and gamma on the 360 literally gave me a headache).
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