The Amiga 500 had some pretty cool James bond games. Often they played like a glorified Spy Hunter arcade game in parts which was great. I actually preferred this over Golden Eye on the N64 as i just could never get used to the awful blocky 3D or why this was lauded over. It wasn't as fun to play as Doom 2 and until Half Life 3D was god awful to look at in games. Half Life 2 changed the game entirely.
@dirtydyk: They do have image retention in certain cases though. It's not burn in as such it just can take a while for an image to fade out. No big deal.
The C1 does have pretty bad image retention sometimes depending on content and what you are doing with it. I've had mine over a year now and i would not recommend it if you are using a tv where you need to leave it on a static display for too long. Just turn the screen off when not using it or not in the room etc though and you will be fine.
This game can be amazing but i agree it depends on the playthrough you are handed. You also have to be in just the right mood for this game to get the most out of it.
It's still too hard for some to comprehend that Xbox offers so much better value for money after the initial purchase and is simply just an all round much better and more robust product whether you get a Series S or X than getting one from the competitor/s. Just look at the difference in how the consoles are packed and this speaks volumes about the quality of service you get.
Basically apart from a few exclusives you can still just make do with a PS4 Pro for the most part on the Sony front and that doesn't look to be changing any time soon.
Game pass has basically changed the entire industry and made console gaming finally affordable to so many more people than ever before.
The weirdest thing is even watching Digital Foundry trying to tell people to get an Xbox one X instead of the Series S when the Series S just gets so many more updates for 60 and even 120 fps where as the One X still has a rubbish processor under the hood by comparison.
Despite even myself doubting the success of the Series S at launch , it has been the little engine that could for those that don't want to outlay too much up front cost and this has to be a good thing for the average consumer and the console market in general.
I'll still be getting a PS5 Pro whenever that launches though as i know that is going to be significantly better than what is available now and by then there will be more exclusives actually worth playing. The only concern i have then is will they also be day and date on PC by then too?.
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