@sassessor: It's awesome hey, whole game was vastly underrated. The only Telltale game that comes even close to it's brilliance is Tales from the Borderlands as that really is a great story.
@hystavito: Yeah me either it seems haha. I have no idea what they are talking about and why not actually state what they are talking about for those not obsessed with facebook celebrity stalking or whatever it is some people do.
@merwanor: So Star Citizen ;) . Actually i still hope that game reaches it's ambitions. Elite Dangerous is fun and i am looking forward to the planet landing module in that game too.
It's fantastic to have some really decent space games again seeing EA and Disney are too but lazy to release decent Space Sims based on Starwars or they don't know how so all we get is arcade based shooters instead.
@steele_johnson: A few dinosaurs and a bunch of ships that all looked completely the same.
Could go either way, it just depends how varied and interesting the missions are. If you just wander aimlessly around doing pretty much nothing or the same objectives all the time it would get boring fast. Good luck to him as it's a huge undertaking.
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