@jyml8582 Tess getting left behind ruined it for me as she was the strongest most interesting character in the game. Joel was a wus never cared whether he lived or died he was just pointless.
He also kind of was too much like Nathan Drake in looks ,stature etc. almost like Nathan with a massive hangover.
@Kevin-V @deviltaz35 @valkyrine The simple answer to that is the train ride actually sets the scene and gives you a glimpse into the world of Half life plus the mechanics involved with how the train changes tracks to go down to a different section was impressive.
Plus it just makes sense in the context of that game where as controlling his daughter makes no sense other than to copy Heavy Rain.
Where as the Last of us it was just pointless giving you control of his daughter to wander around the house only to kill her off in the first few minutes of the game. It could have just been a cut scene and had the same emotion. Without the detachment of the in game to cutscene it actually would have set the mood better.
What they should have done in Last of us is changed the story so Ellie was his daughter and Tess had hid it from him. She had run away after finding out she was infected .
It would have lent more meat to the rather ordinary story. She could have detested Joel and set plans in motion at first to try and kill him or something.
It just felt like the story was far too blase' and predictable.
@bluefox755 @deviltaz35 @adam_from_mars lol yeah i believe you were. The story has that many holes in it you could drive a truck through it but people seem to have just largely ignored all that.
Explain to me why the very next day after watching her friend get smashed to pieces by the guy because he was infected. She makes a comment about wishing they could do more , then cheerily says something like' well anyway lets get going'' like she suddenly doesn't have a care in the world.
The dialogue often makes no sense from cutscene to in game action yet you call it seemless . At best it's just poorly edited but it just doesn't flow like the stories in the uncharted series.
Where other games get criticized for lousy implementations of stealth too, Oh but it's naughty dog so they never do anything wrong so of course they can get away with rubbish stealth mechanics in their game.
The story with Joel's brother is not fleshed out enough for one. That was actually a far more interesting idea they could ran with instead of concentrating on Ellie and Joel.
The game environments are far too repetitive in nature, you are basically fighting the same creatures , using same tactics for most of the game with little variation.
Little thought was put into the crafting element of the game as well.
I expected great things from this game after all the hype, even bought the ltd edition collectors guide book just to ensure i wasn't missing something with all the praise the game was getting but it took me the better part of 4 months in the end to finish this game as i just kept getting bored playing the story.
DEVILTAZ35's comments