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dewey1991 Blog

New computer and games

So I've just been tired of being on the computer a lot. I was on the computer every day for about 6 hours or more just on here or on other gaming sites and reading up on TV's that I would like to get.

So anyway school has started and it's kind of boring. When isn't it? I've got some okay class I guess. I have Drafting 2, which is always cool, Spanish 2, Band/PE, and last Honors English 3. If you are wondering why I only have 4 class it's because our school is on block scheduling so we have 4 periods a day and the classes last 85 minutes. I like the way it is setup but being in a class sitting for 85 minutes gets old fast... So since school has started I haven't been able to do much now. espcially with band but ah well.

Work is going to slow down for me now since I am in school and that takes up a lot of time, so now I won't be able to work as much.... Oh darn:P.

Okay, Last week was pretty sweet. Last Saturday I traded in Quake Wars: Enemy Territories for The Orange Box. I have to say the Orange Box is worth it. I'm not that far but it's a pretty fun game. And Portal is just plain fun and funny. I like the computer thing that talks. On through the week I started school on Wednesday woohoo:P. Then on Friday we got our new computer:D! YAY! It's not a big huge gaming computer like a few other people that may be on this site but it's a nice computer for me. It is a DELL Insprion 530 with a 19 inch LCD Screen. It's pretty. The computer is also like 15 times faster than my old computer.

DELL Insprion

There it is. The next day was a good day too (that would be yesterday, Saturday). I went into town to get my check from work and I ate lunch there with my Dad, brother, and Grandpa, then we went to Best Buy and I secretly bought Burnout Paradise:). I was suppose to be in Best Buy buying a bigger surge protector for our computer. I bought it. I just didn't tell him that I bought a game too:P. Hahahaha. Also, this is completely irrelalvent, but I went to a Pagent last night for my girlfriend because I am a good boyfriend:P, and she got 3rd runner up to queen out of 9. Yea that't not a lot of people but it's cool:).

Anyway, with our new computer we also got a wireless router. So now I don't have to take our modem upstairs to get on PSN:D. Yay. And the router works very well so far so hopefully that continues.

So there is the update. I will try and continue to update every week now. Don't quote me on that though.


Getting a game!!!

Okay so as the Heading thing says i am getting a new game. The question is what one? I would like The Orange Box, but there is also Burnout, GRID, and a few more that i forgot about. What do some of my friends think i should get? or other people for that matter?:)

Thanks for your input if you leave any:D



Okay i got the Microsoft Emblem. Now where is the other two parts of the emblem? I had my TV on watching G4 and i had my computer on watching all of them. and i dont have Nintendo or Sony's? Also during all of them the streaming kept stopping and i had to refresh the page every 13 minutes or so. Which was dumb.

But please can i have the rest of the emblem?:)

E3!!! yay

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 okay i'm done. 15 minutes till the Microsoft one starts going to watch that on G4 then i have to work at 4 so i will miss the 5 o'clock one which makes me mad but i am recording it hahahahahahahaha. That's all for now i believe. Shall post more later.


Future Home Theater System

Okay ever since I got a PS3, I have wanted an HDTV and a surround sound system. Acctually I have wanted that stuff for a year or two before I got a PS3, but since I've had my PS3 I've wanted one even more, because as some may know with a standard TV like mine (it's a 20 inch, which is horrible) I can't read the small lettering, especially the white small lettering. So I have decided, that since I know have a job and all I have to pay for is gas and whatever else I want to do, that I am going to buy a LCD HDTV with surround sound.

I have narrowed it down to a two TV's and a Surround Sound System that is within my budget.

The first TV that I have picked out is a Sony BRAVIA 32" 720p Flat-Planel LCD HDTV. The cost is $899.99

The next TV that I have picked is the Samsung 32" 720p Flat-Panel LCD HDTV. This one cost $849.99

The Surround Sound System that I have picked out is the Samsung 1000W 5.1-Ch. Home Theater System with an Upconvert DVD Player. This cost $229.99. I would like to get the 1200W one witht the tower speakers, but that cost $449.99

This is the less Expenisive one that I mentioned above.

Then this is the HDMI cable that I shall get. I cost $79.99. Do any of you know of different cables for the PS3 that is made by Sony but cost less.

Altogether with the more cheaper stuff it should be around $1,300.

So any suggestions from you guys? Should I get some other TV or Surround Sound System?

Till next time Dewey1991

2.40 Firmware Update

I was going to post this earlier today but, I didn't have any time left when i got the pictures on my computer because i had to go to work. This Blog post may be kind of pointless as most of the PS3 owners will already know what the new update added but, I have no better things to do so I am deciding to post what the 2.40 update looks like. (These pictures aren't very good, as i took them with a camera at the T.V. because I don't have the tools to take a screenshot like thing). I got the update July 2nd at 11:45 p.m. Central time. I thought it was pretty sweet. Now that i hear there are problems though with the freezing up and stuff I feel bad for those people, and feel that they should have worked on it a little bit more before they released it. Luckily though I have not had problems with the new update doing anything bad to my PS3 so far, *Knock on wood*. Let's keep it that way. :)

So the new update as many know already added the In-game XMB, something that many many PS3 owners have been waiting for. (YES!!!). It also added a new trophy system which is like the "Achievements" for the Xbox 360, except there is no big "gamerscore" like thing. There are levels, and you gain levels by getting more trophies. A clock is now on the PS3 too with this update. It is located up in the upper right hand corner of the T.V. screen, so now if you are weird and want to know the time you can look there! Fun!!! It is quite useful actually.

Here as you can see there they have inserted the "Trophy Collections" Yay!!!

And here....dun dun dun dun.... it is the new CLOCK sweet.

And here is where the trophies go. If i had any stupid trophies, sadness. Cursed games i have not allowing me to have trophies right now.

First i would like to thank Machine758 for involuntarily voluntering for these next pictures. Hopefully you don't mind. If you were to go over to your friends on the XMB and select them a window will pop up with different selections to go to. The first window shows you the level and the last trophies recieved as well as whether that person is online and what game they maybe playing.

The second window if you press L1 will come up with how many of each trophy you have: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. It still shows whether that person is online and what game they are playing if they are.

This last window, that you have come up by pressing L1 again, shows that persons online ID as well as their "about me" thing and what languages they speak. And again it shows whether they are online or not and what game they are playing.

Oh if you notices below each of the last three pictures you can send a message to your friend, compare trophies, or start a new chat. :)

In-Game XMB!!!!!!

Picture one shows me playing oblivion but i have the in-game XMB up! OMG how did i do that. Well your not dumb so you probably know how to already. if not then you press the PS button and poof it comes up (if you have 2.40 firmware update). This picture shows that an icon quit game has been added while playing a game. (i'm playing Oblivion)

Oh and background music can be played during some games!!! yay. to bad for Oblivion it doesn't work:( or Pixel Junk Monsters:( (the music in that game is annoying lol)

And here is old faithful. to get to this screen just hold down the PS button longer. Simple

And here are the games i own to wrap this up.

I also have Pixel Junk Monsters with the Encore pack and Warhawk

Well there is my longest Blog post because of pictures. Hope you liked it if not then just tell me.

Until next time


Okay continue

Sorry about that. The storm passed like 20 minutes after i turned the computer off, but i didnt want to turn on the computer again. Anyway, I am back now school is done for the summer and i will be a junior next year. I have a job now at Hy-Vee and many of you have no idea what that is. It is a grocery store located in the midwest.

I still have the same games for my PS3 and i am sort of getting better in Resistance. I am saving up some money from my paychecks for the new red PSP with kratos on the back. It looks sweet. Ohh yea i got Pokemon Diamond. I know that's whimpy but i don't care the pokemon games are fun.

I'm starting to get mad too because i still haven't seen Ironman or Indian Jones or Prince Caspian, but oh well i shall see them soon. When they come out on DVD most likely.

Who is all ready for MGS4?... honestly i've never played MGS so i have no idea what it is like. Could someone enlighten me?

How are all of your summers going so far?


Wow It's Been A While

Well all i can say is it has been a long time since i was last on. I shall try to stay back for the summer and be active.

and i will cut this short because it is storming here and it is lightening.. i shall finish this post tomorrow or when it isn't thundering and storming. please forgive me for this inconvience.

Really busy

Sorry everyone i've been really really busy lately. Dumb school. anyway i'm gonna try and update stuff but for now this blog will do. I am playing oblivion lately and stuff. And sorry to Matty44 i think, i never did get to play you on Resistance i felt bad when i didn't get to.

For now though have fun:) and i'll be on more.

Best Month Ever- Yeah Right

So February has treated me nicely. I had my B-day party and i got lots of money, that was the first weekend. So the next weekend was the Super Bowl and that was pretty good as well. I liked who won and all that. The next week was my girlfriends B-day and Valentines day. Guess what? I got strep and missed the whole week pretty much, and on top of that my brother got chicken pox. Ok so the next weekend was ok I got over the strep but my brother still had to get over the Pox. We finally go back to school on Tuesday of last week (we didn't have school monday). The week went by great, finally got to celebrate my girlfriends B-day with her. Then friday was great. I got the chicken pox. yes. I have never had it and i have them really really bad. They are all over my face and chest and everywhere. In my mouth. Amazing stuff. So I won't be at school for the next week or maybe even the first week in March. I just love February so much. I mean the chicken pox suck i feel like crap.

So yea i'll be here and there.

see you around

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