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dewey1991 Blog

Birthday Late

Haha. i am the slowest person ever. I am finally posting about my Birthday which was on the 31st so its what 7 days after it or so. haha. Well i had a party thing and it was pretty sweet. I got to have friends over and family. Altogether i got about $234 and i get to spend $134 or it. So I am going to get my self Resistance and possibly warhawk, or just another controller. Sorry for the lateness of this post. I've been busy with school now and stuff.

In other news. If you dont get Game Informer then there is some cool stuff in the new issue. One article i did for school was the GreenPeace article which talks about which electronic companies are going green (conserving the Earth's resources and not polluting) and Nintendo, on a scale of 0 to 10, got a 0 and Microsoft got a 2.7 and Sony got a 7.3 which i was surprised at how low some of them scored.

So Until next time see ya

Birthday before

well according to gamespot when i post this it will be my b-day so whatever. but it is still the 30th where im at and my birthday is tomorrow so i'll post again tomorrow if i have time. update a few things i guess Birthday:)

Got a new game

So I was at best buy today and my mom told me before that since I got straight A's I could get a game. So I'm in the store with my mom and I'm standing there trying to pick out a PS3 game. I could not find one to pick. I stood there for like 10 minutes. I wanted to get Resistance. Guess what they didn't have. Resistance. So then i was looking at Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box, Warhawk, and Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. So I'm looking at the games and just standing there, thinking about the online play the story line and if I would play it again and again until 2 weeks from now when i get more games and play them with this one that I get. So as I was saying I was standing there thinking of which of thoes games i should get. So I pick up each game and look at the back and front like 3 times.

Yea so I'm feeling kind of dumb just standing there and thinking of which game to pick. I finally make up my mind and just pick up Uncharted cause I like the developing team, Naughty Dog, and I've heard that it is a good game. So now I'm gonna start playing that and then I'll get Warhawk in 2 weeks for my birthday. I'll play you sometime Machine758, and others, when i get it. And then I'll get Resistance also. So I'll be set for a while for games for my PS3.

So Happy New Year.....

Yep so Happy New Year everyone. I've already copyrighted the saying "The Great 2008."

So during Christmas I opened a present from "Santa" and I got a picture of a PS3. but on the back of the paper was $200. It was pretty sweet. Then over the week I got some more money from other family members. So last Saturday we were going into town to visit my Grandparents for Christmas and on our way back we went to Best Buy. There I picked up my 40GB PS3 :)and then i went to Gamestop to pick up Ratchet and Clank Future: TOD.

So I've had my PS3 now for 5 days and I have to say it is really amazing. Thanks to Machine 758 for being my first friend on the PSN. I will eventually get Warhawk to play against you.

Now the next time I will get a game is on my birthday which is the 31st so I don't have to wait to long. I am hoping to get Warhawk and Uncharted. After that who knows when I will get another game. Although I will get my license not to long after my Birthday so I'll get a job and get some money and then be able to buy more games!

But for now I will stick to playing Ratchet and Clank. Rent a few games, renting Ninja Gaiden Sigma it's different but I think it's a good game.

And again Happy New Year to all you out there:)


So now that my two favorite developers (Insomniac and Naughty Dog) have made new games for the PS3 it is time to get a PS3. So who here wants to let me borrow theirs, for a while? Well i know no one wants to but it was worth a try. I guess.Spike TV's Gaming Awards was on earlier in the month and I was quite pleased with the games they gave the awards to and what for. They were all good choices.

In other news. Christmas is just around the corner and hopefully there will be snow on the ground. I finished Super Paper Mario the other day. Yea i am a slow game player but i beat it finally. Now i am waiting to get Metroid Prime 3 from my friend and i will start that again and maybe beat that.

But For now... Merry Christmas... and Happy New Year when it comes.

Robotics Lock-in

So on Friday night the robotics team that i am on had a lock-in. Before the lock-in though i went to my schools play. It was pretty good. I thought it wouldn't be that great but it was ok.

Anyway. At the lock-in it was pretty fun. Stayed up all night, who doesn't at a lock-in? Some people played Halo 2 for a while. But i instead was in a different room playing Halo 3. It was good. It took them like 2 hours before they relized I had my friends Halo 3 and his X-Box 360, cause he let me borrow it for this.

We played Halo 3 the rest of the night. It was fun stuff. There was dodgeball and other things that we played. No one went to sleep. You would have thought that some people would be good at the game other than me but no not really i killed everyone. And I'm not even that good. It was good stuff. Yep...

So I have no started playing super paper mario. I will get my review up here in a few days. Not that my reviews are good or anything. And i doubt anyone reads this.

So... Christmas

Yea so as most of you know Christmas is coming up here soon and my mom always goes shopping black friday of course. She wants to know what I want for Christmas. I really don't know what I want except for a PS3. I said that I would pay for half of it if she did the other half. I think that she would do that because I got a PSP 2 years ago. But my dad can be a jerk and he doesn't see the reason for getting another system cause he doesn't understand why I spend time playing video games. I want a PS3 though haha... If I can't get one i dont know what to get. I have a Wii but ummm the games suck no mature games or anything. They are all mini games in games. Its really annoying.

So if anyone has suggestions please say. Either how to persuade or just games to get. I have a PS2, Wii.

Ratchet's Rating

Ok whats up with GS and their review system. everyone else like IGN, Game Informer, and others gave Ratchet and Clank either a "B" or above. Whats up with the 7.5.The story line wasnt good, and it left with a bad ending? What about Halo 2 then. Complete let down there, and plus all of the Glitches in the game. They gave that game a 9.4 whats up with that? It might be the fact that i am a fan of Ratchet and Clank or something but that Review just sucked. Did anyone honestly look at this before it was posted?

I am done Ranting. In other news the world series is on tonight.

Every Week Now

I am going to start putting a blog entry every Friday. So this week I played some Metroid. Still not that far in it. On Brryo haha. 2nd level. That is sad. But in other news. Im bored haha. not much new. Sat on computer all day. Going to get a PS3 by February 08 though, I promised myself that. I'd get a 360 but I can play that at my friends whenever i want so why buy one now.

Update on my stuff

Yea. well I have not been on here in forever. haha. I got a Wii like in February and I've been playing it and stuff. Metroid Prime is by far a must have for the Wii right now. considering that it doesnt have that many games so far and SSBB is delayed again, but that just means that they are making it better. Got Guitar Hero 2 also been rockin out to that.

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