Dewmandew7: Today in 8th period Java Programming, I am joined by Anthony Sierra. He is currently preoccupied by "The Falling Sand" game, but I hope to interview him before the class ends...
DD7: Here he is! Hello, Anthony. Thanks for joining us today.
Anthony Sierra: Okay.
DD7: Describe yourself in five words.
AS: Not only classic, but epic.
DD7: Alright, that was pretty good. So, what was your first experience in gaming?
AS: My very first game ever was Super Mario on the SNES when I was three years old. The first game I beat, though, was Mario RPG.
DD7: Wow, you beat an RPG when you were that young? Nice job. So, what's your favorite game of all time?
AS: The Banjo Kazooie series because they're so unique and there's a lot of nostalgia in them. Also, there were plenty of crude jokes in the second one that nobody got because they were eight years old. Let me see... Um... Well, there was a machine that had buttons labeled with blow and suck. Also, there was a food denoted as "Salty Seaman's Surprise".
DD7: I only played a small bit of Banjo Tooie, so I never really got into the series. Are you looking forward to Threeie?
AS: I would have to say definitely. As the matter of fact, it was almost the sole reason I got an Xbox 360, aside from games like Gears of War and all of the Rareware games.
DD7: So, is the Xbox 360 the only current gen console you own?
AS: No, I also own a Nintendo Wii. I know that the Wii isn't doing too great right now in terms of games, but once the developers understand how to utilize the Wii properly like they did for the PS3, I think we'll start seeing some progress.
DD7: I own a Wii too and I totally understand what you're saying. We have got some really cool games coming up like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Boom Blox. However, Boom Blox is the one that's going after what the Wii is all about. Now that we're talking about PS3, if you could play any one game that's exclusive to PS3, what would it be and why?
AS: Hm... inFamous. I don't really know what it is, but I love Sucker Punch... and super powers.
DD7: That's ALL? Whatever... Which systems do you currently own or previously owned from prior generations?
AS: *hands me a list* SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, N64, Playstation, Playstation 2, Gamecube, Xbox, Wii, Xbox 360, PSP, Nintendo DS, and Gameboy Adcance.
DD7: If only all of our parents doted on us as much as they do on you. :P So, of the three (or four if you count Dreamcast) last gen consoles which was your favorite and why?
AS: I would say it was the Gamecube. Had I gotten the Xbox earlier in its life, I would've liked that console best. However, I didn't get it until 2004, so I didn't have time to experience the best of the console. On Gamecube I really like Super Smash Bros. (I played that all the time). I also loved most of the Mario series and the Legend of Zelda games. If any of you out there want to play a fun multiplayer game, get Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.
DD7: I see. I only owned a PS2, so it's nice to hear from somebody who has a different console background. What is your favorite internet catch phrase?
AS: Anything that has to do with Bill Cosby. Especially "Cow Boy Bebop Bill Cosby" on
DD7: Never seen that. I'll have to check it out. So, how do you feel about the bunny game?
AS: At first glance, it's the worst game ever (EDITOR'S NOTE: over-exaggeration). However, if you just give it some time, you will get addicted, like my friend Dempster who got over 698 million points.
DD7: Agreed. What is your favorite internet acronym?
AS: Hm... "wts". For anyone in the WoW scene, you would know. Dewmandew7 will NEVER know. I typed that ALOT during my WoW addiction.
DD7: That's not nice. Can you comment on your obsession with AnFangs (shout out!)?
AS: I find it interesting that he likes dewmandew7. I can't go any further into that without hurting somebody's feelings.
DD7: :o Well, thanks for your time. It seems ****is about to let out. Well, good bye good world.
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