Hey guys. Today I bring you my first ever (and probably only) exclusive scoop! This relates to Insomniac's next episode of their Full Moon Show podcast. I wrote into Insomniac with the following e-mail:
From: AJ Gaspar [mailto:[e-mail changed to protect the innocent (me) from weekly "newsletters" (a.k.a. panda pr0n)]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 6:53 PM
To: podcast
Subject: Episodic content
Dear Full Moon Show,
Congratulations on your great start for season two! This fall can't come soon enough.
I wanted to know what you guys thought about episodic content? Do you like the idea of releasing new single-player missions? Would you ever consider creating one or two new Resistance 1 missions on the PSN to fill in the gaps between the two stories? I would definitely buy. I need a reason to dust off my Bullseye this summer.
Once again, it was a great start to season two and I can't wait to see what you guys may or may not bring to GDC.
Your die hard fan,
Andrew Gaspar
I received this response:
From: James Stevenson [jstevenson@insomniacgames.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 1:41:30 PM
Subject: RE: Episodic content
We'll discuss this on the next odcast!
I will treasure this e-mail and its blatantly obvious typo forever.
Now, what do they mean by discuss? Will they touch lightly on the subject during their normal community segment, or will they make some sort of announcement regarding the issue? I'm guessing the first option is what will happen, but hey, who knows? I really do hope they release some sort of episodic content for Resistance 1 and/or Resistance 2 sometime in their lifetimes. I like the idea of episodic content, but none of my games have ever received it, unless you count the Shivering Isles.
This is dewmandew7, who is tickling without over-stimulating, signing-out. (listen to episode 19 of the podcast for reference)
NOTE: See episode 10 to hear Andrew Gaspar's (a.k.a. dewmandew7) other e-mail that was read and answered on the show.
UPDATE: They didn't answer my question. :( Insomniac forgot about me...
*cries in room for twenty minutes*
Okay, I'm over it. :P
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