dewmandew7's forum posts
yeah im playing mgs 1 on my ps3 and hdtv and saw how crappy it looked and I figured "well it is a ps1 game" but then i saw some pics on the internet and it looks much better than what my hdtv is projecting. Even when I put smoothing on it still looks like crap.
regardless the game has still been incredible
PS: are you using composite cables for your wii? this can be the reason why smg doesn't look good on your hdtv, get these cables and it will look great
I actually thought MGS1 looked really good on my TV. Some games I have a problem playing due to the graphics, but MGS1 was fine.
No love for LittleBigPlanet or Resistance 2? For shame.
Anyway, I think it's just going to get better from here on out. Next year we're going to have Final Fantasy XIII and Resident Evil 5.
Yes, Uncharted is amazing.
It does require a 500mb install though.. or something like that, afaik. Or maybe that was Ratchet and clank.. But that's nothing compared to some games anyway.
Uncharted has no install. Ratchet and Clank does have about a 500 MB install, though.
When a game's budget exceeds the income of a small country, anyone can guess that it will be overrated across the board. They've probably spent more on reviewer 'persuasion' tactics than most devs get to spend on making actual games.
There are already reviews circulating that it has the most cutting edge graphics of any game ever made, and we already know how much of a blatant lie that is. Most of the cutscenes in this game don't even look as good as actual in-game sequences of Drake, Gears, COD4, etc. I'm talking actual quality of graphics, not the cinematic style.
I smell a troll...
IMHO, again for those who missed it, IMHO, Gears remains the technical King of console graphics only to be outdone buy the second coming:
Gears 2 ! :D
If nobody cared the first time, why would they care now? :?
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