@Archaicc: Owning both systems the S and the Pro the library drastically falls in Sony's favor in exclusives, 3rd party exclusives and Japanese games. The x is the more powerful system but not all games run in 4K 60 FPS. I plan to get an X next year when the price is reduced and there are MS games I want to play. Not just BC games or enhanced versions of past games. Sony has the library and variety of games for everyone.
@gaminsincepong: Ubisoft president said as much. Whether he is responsible that or wrong who knows. I’m on the fence as an S owner. Mostly game on my Pro and Switch. Use my S for movies, BC and exclusives. I’m sure Sony will counter the X with a new machine in 2-3 years. There’s no need to hurry because of the success of the PS4
How is it future proof if Xbox is preparing for another machine in 2 years? Almost a waste of money to get it now. Microsoft should've saved this for the next generation when the PS5 arrives.
In comparison to games Sony has Xbox beaten. As far as hardware Xbox has Sony beaten. It's a preference. I have a Pro, Switch and an S. I prefer to game on Sony mostly because of the 3rd party support Microsoft has. I use my Pro for multiplats, my Switch for exclusives and my S for exclusives and entertainment system. No need for an X at the moment. However, there is a market for the X and I hope Microsoft succeeds.
I will stick with my S and Pro. Also own a Switch. no need for an X. I do not play enough Xbox games to justify the price plus I have plenty of games on my PS4 and Switch. Hope it sells well. Love MS butSony has the games on this generation I want to play
I’ll stick the S since I mostly game on my Pro and Switch. Love my S but see no reason to shell out $500 on a system I only play BC games and a few Xbox exclusives.
@happy789tyu: actually the PS4 doesn’t suck. It’s the best system with all the great games. I agree that Sony should include BC but that doesn’t mean the system sucks. I own all 3 and by far I use my PS4 the most with all the 3rd party and 1st party gems
@twztid13: Batman: Arkham Origins was very underrated. Rocksteady dropped the ball in story and the Batmobile. I am a huge Batman fan. The combat was tight and the graphics were gorgeous. The tedious batmobile and the story was off in my opinion. The boss battles were bad and I like to see them go back to the previous Batman formulas with his rogue gallery and with Batgirl, Robin and Nightwing. Some guest appearances from the JL.
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