If you're having a difficult time against the monsters, I'd advise you check a couple of things:
- Your skills and vitality.
- Your use of your silver sword.
Although it's subjective, I'd say that putting points into your spells would be better than your combat points. Skills offer more defense and, if you're getting downed within a couple of seconds, it's important to keep track of your skills because they mean life-or-death on the highest difficulty. I'd recommend upgrading Quen, as it gives you a pretty beneficial shield during combat. It'll push enemies back and, if your stamina is regenerating fast (with light armor), you'll be able to cast it frequently. I'd also recommend you upgrade Axii, since it not only stuns your opponent for a brief moment, but it can also turn those enemies into allies when you upgrade it enough.
The standard route that I take in fights, especially when approaching many enemies, is that I make sure I have full health and armor. I make sure that any oils I have will go onto my sword and that my silver sword is out, as it deals more damage to monsters. I pop on Quen for the shield, so if they hit me, I take no damage. I slash my way through them, periodically dodging so that my Quen shield doesn't drop. Once my stamina regenerates, I stun one with Axii and either kill it or kill its friends. Keeping my shield up is pretty imperative, as it helps a lot in decreasing damage taken, but also allowing me to whittle down enemy forces to tilt the battle in my favor.
I'd also check out your mutagens and generals tab through the Character menu.
If you're not running any vitality mutagens, now would be the time to do so, especially if you're early into the game. Many other mutagens don't give that many benefits, but the vitality ones really do. You should save all mutagens because you can use alchemy to increase their effectiveness. For instance, if you have three green mutagens (+50 Vitality), you can plug those three together for a Greater Green Mutagen, which'll give you +100 Vitality. Other than that, your general tab on the Character menu has a couple skills you can pick up.
- Survival Instinct is one that gives you an increase to your maximum Vitality by 500.
- Sun and the Stars gives you vitality regeneration during the day, but stamina regeneration by night.
They may not seem like much, but they're some really good grabs, if you're willing to shell out the points for them. If you're looking to deflect arrows, go to your combat branch in the Character menu and look at the middle option. Defense - Arrow Deflection; put a point into that and you'll be able to deflect arrows while parrying. I'd recommend putting a few more points in the defense tree if you're really dying that much to monsters. However, I think you can get past many of your battles if you just take your time, use your spells and oils well, and time your attacks so you don't take damage.
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