ha, thank you for completing my experiment... you tools are all about this... no life... nothing for you in this worthless existence... im grateful for you and your input in this worthless little blog that you have provided more than enough info for my data... im sorry to break it to you but you have all been played, now fix your glasses to the screen and read it clearly nerds... you have been played... ha thanks for wasting your time for my experiment... all of you have presented more than enough data on how people waste their time online discussing absolutely worthless issues... tools... thats allyou are... ha enjoy the ciber life because that is all you will know hahahahah....... peac out playas
i know that GS does not care about any posts that any of us make here and there, they don't read em' its not that hard to understand... but come on now pills don't work...ha
first of all you dont know me, and second of all...actually the first point covered it pretty well, so please keep your oppinions of me to yourself, because you don't even know who I am and for that fact alone you have no basis on your post, so please this is not a place for judgment on people...only games, so leave your elementary school feelings to yourself...thank you
FF7 remake? come on now, how about something original, we can spend our money on something that we have already played, or hey here is an idea, how about something NEW, WoW! what a concept
The PS3 has shown nothing for its expensive hardware, honestly I am only trying to show that Gamespot is not giving Nintendon credit for the inovative controls and games that it is puting out its probably only me, but i have seen that Gamespot has always judged games harshly, but I now that Wii games deserve more credit, originality is huge in the next gen, and the only system that shows any innovation is the Wii, as for your post I will not argue with you, but agree with you, you have a point, and this is what this is all about, seeing from different perspecitives and learning for the better
sorry for your intransent universe called Gamespot, sorry that you believe everything you hear and read, get a mind of your own, and don't believe everything you hear, i guess if i deliver reality then you want to cry and run away, its reality and im sorry if you can't handle it
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