im about to pick up a ps3 and i plan on purchasing a lot of games for it i miss the fps era, i have a wii so im welcoming in the pswii era of gaming and it should cover my single player and multiplayer gaming experiences, so im sure to have quite a few ps3 games, but it takes time to buy all of them, not all of us have a lot of money to just spend on games, some of us have to eat as well
i suggest going into wal mart and asking the electronics department people if they have any wiis in stock, i went in and the wal mart that i went to they had no wiis on display they had about five hidden in the back room, and if i didnt ask for it i never would have gotten one
Just consider the NOW That Is What I Call Music series, where is that at now 24...25, mario party is just like that, people keep buying it so it will go on forever, as long as someone is making money
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