/Sigh.... how bout this, you pick 1 question that you really want me to respond to and when i get home i will repond to it. Im not gonna sit and type out an essay on my Friday. Now keep in mind baby girl, if you dont use proper sentance structure and throw a gigantic wall of text at me i will not respond.
I don't appreciate your condescending" babes" and "buddies". I'm not your friend and you don't know me. I could stary calling you toots and chick if thats the way you wanna play it.
@gossamer-girl Seriously, If people wanted to read my posts they can just scroll down. Nobody needs you spamming the forum. If you want a response from me then you can tally ho yourself down to my posts and write a retort like a normal person.
@Maigrett @diggyphelps misogynistic? You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. Try harder troll, You never even played the games. Now back under your bridge.
@Maigrett @diggyphelps @ender_val Ok, first off I'm not your "darling" you disrespectful twit. 2nd, yes people do think Val is an idiot, if your remedial ass would read through the posts you would see that. 3rd, me calling the reviewer biased isn't an insult, it's fact.
You and the other pathetic,man hating,feminists here are the ones who seem angry,why else would you constantly troll and try and force your opinions down everyone's throats? Why do you prejudice, man hating, bigots post here? If the main characters were 3 women killing men and stuffing dollars down chippendale dancers g strings we wouldn't here a peep from you. So don't come to me with this "debate" BS, you childish trolls don't want to debate, you just want to hate.
@ender_val @diggyphelps Who are you to tell me how to think or feel? Who are you to tell me what to do? Why are you so butthurt about what people are saying? Why are you white knighting (even though you're just pretending to be a guy) up and down this comment section that is meant for user opinions? Where did I say irrational? Why should I read the review for a 3rd time?
If you're to immature to handle the subject matter of this game or the content of this comment section, then you should leave until you grow up enough to handle it. You're not changing anyone's minds, people think you're an idiot, and nobody takes a word you say seriously. You're just a no life troll who has nothing better to do but stalk gta forums and cry about how these comments hurt your feelings. Kindly go F yourself.
Didnt find the game misogynistic at all. Reviewer is clearly biased and upset that the game didnt agree with her political beliefs. I agree with the score but certainly not the reasoning for the score.
diggyphelps' comments