I got the X360 version of both and the announcer voice and many of the 'contact' sound effects seem heavily compressed compared to original VF5 retail version. Anyone else confirm this?
Seems PS3 got the better deal on this game - mainly because VF5 on PS3's no online Vs mode.
I still Like FS - but also still reckon that the sound effects are a little off.
I don't know if this comment system will be permanent or not, there should be a poll in this thread that allows users to vote their opinion. This comment system kind of deteriorates the importance of a blog comment and the comments seem less noticeable imo when compared to the previous comment system. I liked the bigger avatars since it helped me recognize a user faster. Another thing is no html/bbcodes. I'm glad they did not update the unions with this comment system. At first I thought the comment system was cool but after awhile it seemed a little bit annoying and there is less freedoms. I think users don't like how gamespot is turning into a facebook site for gamers and improvements lately are just for fuse and rarely outside of that.Totally agree :D
Also, why when I check my blog posts they show a '0 Comments' notice when I actually have more than 5 comments added?
Always understood that PS2 DMC3:SE - difficulty was based on the original 'normal' Japanese release - which is easier than the normal difficulty of the standard western release. So, yes, as far as i am aware, the western DMC3:SE difficulty is'easier' - same as 'original' Japanese release.
BTW -DMC:SE is a pretty good game - I still own it as part of my PS2 game collection :D
I rather wait and get a next gen console instead of a graphics card that won't be taken advantage of until the next gen consoles role in.percech
1080p is soooo old now.
Tell that to console gamers. :P They still run games in lame 720P and in some cases BELOW HD resolutions like in Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops and Crysis 2. LOL.
I can't remember the last time I ran games at those resolution, like the late 90's or early 2000's. Freaking 10-12 years ago. LOL.
Console gamers are like 10+ years behind us PC gamers. ;)
Oh, thats right, that you can play all these same games mentioned, but in an higher resolution (and probably only gonna view them on a 22" Widescreen Monitor or similar PC Tech) makes all the difference to their gameplay... not... :roll: Without the healthy console game industry PC owners would have even less than the current meagre crumbs to feast on (well, unless you like WOW that is) :lol:
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