sorry man. you can only buy freshwater/sodapop/lemonade one at a time. they're cheap and make ur pokémon happy, but inconvienient and time consuming. moomoomilk is just north of solceontown. also only comes one at a time. ;)
k well i dunno how u plan on getting lv 100 shiny legendaries. illegit? well if you can somehow get an arceus, darkrai etc. legendaries, shiny or not that would be sweet. and not lv 100, so i can infect it with pokerus and itll be stronger. reply to me and ill give you my code and stuff.
you dont have to do anything to the DS you just need a wireless router or a nintendo wi-fi usb connector to give off a wireless internet signal so the DS can pick it up, then ur good to go!
you definately need a guitar hero in ur collection, but i might consider guitar hero 3 comming out soon. itll have a wireless controller and online multiplayer, which #2 doenst have. its a really fun game tho
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