[QUOTE="Master_Ryu"] Ok you guys are seriously over analyzing the OP's question.. SERIOUSLY. It's simple really. Imagine that all three consoles had the same specs and technical capabilties that they have now. Now imagine that each of these consoles costs the same amount of money. So here price is not a factor. Now decide which console would sell the most in this situation and which you would like to have if you were to choose one. It's a hypothetical situation, so don't argue that it doesn't make sense.
I would say that Sony brand and technical superiority will make the PS3 prevail in this situation. It seems like the biggest reason why people are not buying the PS3 is the price. Yes, its game library is lacking, but we know that the games will come eventually. Anecdotely (is that a word?), I've always read on forums and heard from friends that people would buy the PS3 if it were priced competitively in the XBOX 360 range. So yeah, PS3 would come on top.
OMG! Thank you! For explaining that and for answering the question. This proved my little theory of how many people are caught up in this whole system wars crap. Iasked a question and mostly I get are "NO way theyll loose money or have to remove this and that". Since when is everyone a financial analyst? People act like its coming out of there own pockets. It all should be basic to us gamers and not any of this business crap. People are arguing over which system is better when the root of it is pricing. Theres no wrong answers just opinions which is what it should be.
No, what you should thank em for, is finally figuring out what you meant by your original post. You were looking for a way to say Sony is the better system when it clearly is not. Price is a factor, as well as what is on the inside, and the games. Sony is in last, will remain in last, and all the fairy tale marketing and what if's in the world will not change it.
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