dimsey's forum posts
The first Xbox game I played was Halo, heh.
The first 360 game I played was Full Auto.
I love Skate. I don't own The Orange Box. But I'm still going to go with The Orange Box. If only cause theres a lot more bang for ya buck. But do pick up Skate in the future, great game.
Great game! Just make sure to get the latest unoffical patches! You know! Case you didn't hear it the first few times.
Seriously though, games good.
Don't play much MMOs, but I have played...
City of Heroes: Creating my own super hero persona was fun, in general the game was fairly good for roleplay for those that wanted to do it. As far as gameplay mechanics go it was fairly decent in this department as well, my main complaint being the lack of non-combat orientated skills and things to do.
Star Wars Galaxies: I only ever got to play post combat upgrades and new game enhancements, so I can't speak for the experiance before this point - though from my perspective it seemed it'd have been a better game before the upgrades. That being said what they're left with wasn't exactly BAD - it was just vastly different from the game they had before hand, the game I read about that even if it wasn't pulling people away from say Everquest - it was still a decent game with a lot to do, combat related or otherwise - and a fairly decent roleplaying community. I joined post upgrades as I said, and well.. Again, it's not "bad" it's just... Empty. I made myself leave because while I was enjoying the game enough, well it felt abandoned. Every player city I came across was a ghost town and the only people I really saw were spambots advertising their credit purchase services. It's a damn shame too, if they didn't "upgrade" everything and cause a tonne of folks to leave I'd have probably liked it a lot and stayed. But what can ya do?
World of Warcraft: Well, it's fun. I still play, though I haven't really touched the game in a while. As with City of Heroes, theres not too much to do outside of combat which doesn't suit me much. I mean yeah, I can mine and blacksmith and woo. But thats just not enough. The only non-combat activity that keeps my attention any length of time is fishing. Combat is decent enough though, not that I see much of it as I usually get shoved into the healer/buffer role by whoever I group with. I've no real problems with the community, really. I was actually quite suprised as I have heard many horror stories about some of the immature 12 year olds and what not you'd encounter as you play but everyone I've come across has been pretty decent, bout the only thing that annoys me about WoW or any online game really is their insistance on using netspeak. I don't care if it's quicker to type "u" rather then "you" it's just retarded! I feel like the only person who bothers speaking in full sentences. But other then that, they're fine. I, the most anti-social person I know, even managed to join a guild with people I actually LIKE - and I don't like anyone - in fact they're probably the only reason I still play as while the games fun I don't think it's $15 a month or whatever it costs fun.
halo is not over hyped it is an awesome game seriously jus cause u like metroid beta doesnt mean halo is crap, enywayz i dont find halo that addiktive either but it is still an awesome game for the most partdbzultimate3134
He didn't say Halo was crap, I don't think anyone really did. He's just saying it's overrated basically. And it is. I love Halo. Halo 3 is great and has sucked up large amounts of my time, but you got to admit it's not worthy of every bit of praise that gets thrown as it.
I bought it a couple weeks ago. I'd agree it's not the best in the graphics department, but it's not that much of a slouch either. And as others have said, it's a decent hack n slash in the vein of God of War. And if you're gonna make a hack n slash game and rip another off, it might as well be GoW.
In anycase, Conans fine. At least worth a rental though I have no regrets about purchasing it.
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