Well I also own both and strongly disagree...and the rest mode comment makes me highly doubt you own both systems.
If Xbone is so wonderful why are they being outsold so badly and having to continually drop the price to get people to buy the thing? If they thought they could compete at an even price point they would.
And shut up about Ryse its barely a game its a quick time movie...bragging that it looks slightly better (debatable) to an open world game is pretty dumb
Demo is pretty awesome I will be buying this game...I don't know how they can call it a perfect game though with terrible music, story, voice acting. I think a 9 would have been more accurate based on standards of other games...almost seems like they were looking to get a reaction
FYI I don't think Destiny is good either but giving this an 8 just because of a zelda skin? Looks like other sites are giving more reasonable reviews...8's should be reserved for "great" games
dino7c's comments