We play video games to be entertained, Actual War is the polar opposite of Entertainment, unless you are a genuine Sadist....
I don't care so much about the addition of female soldiers, and I predict they will be a rarity once the game is released... I base my prediction on the fact that way more men than women tend to play these kinds of games, so I think this will be reflected in player choice with customization...
I'm stoked for this new entry though! In terms of actual gameplay and mechanics, I think Dice has made a lot of steps in the right direction to making this a much more tactical and squad based experience...
That's what I care about mostly, and am stoked for...
Looking forward to Hundreds of hours of enjoyment from this new entry...
Say what you will about EA's dicey micro transaction's (which are Absent in BF 1, considering spending $$$ doesn't give you any gameplay advantage, or any skin you can't earn through simply playing the Game!)
but they know what they're doing when it comes to Multiplayer Shooters...
Dinosaur_Teeth's comments