You probably see some of those scenes in game, but its not really gameplay. The trailer was generally pretty unimpressive though.
diped's forum posts
But you never know, maybe they dont want to make money?
Long, story here.gameguy6700
If that is indeed true, I feel sorry for you. Not that you were with a gay person or anything, but that you had to go through all that BS. At least you have an okay one now.
Out of all of those, I would definately say the PSP, but thats a handheld.
360 > DS > WII > PS3 > PSP
The first 3 can be changed around with eachother, but the rest everyone can agree on.
During economic recessions, and depressions, usually it is the entertainment industry that thrives. Like in the Great Depression, people looked to nickle theatres to get their mind of the troubles of the depression they were in, so the entertainment industry thrived.
Of course, having a console that is cheaper will definately help it do better, but I can't see it doing all that well in the tradgey that is quickly catching up on the US. This is because 199$ for even an arcade is really expensive when you are struggling to make house payments/CC payments, or were just laid off your job.
Of course, this is all the fault of the people who are too poor to pay back their sub-prime loans, and the Banks who are stupid enough to loan out so many sub-prime loans, and mostly the government for making it mandatory to issue some subprime loans. Hopefully the election will elect a president who will be able to fix these problems (Obama if he chooses Warren Buffet would be a good choice, McCain would be a good choice if he used Warrent Buffet too). Of course, we dont even know if we will go into a recession/depression, of course it is defiantely looking like we are headed toward a bear market, but we'll see.
Things will only sell less(some less than others), but they won't "die".
Multiplayer and co-op would be great additions, but they aren't needed IMO. I could see them being added if the scope of the battles is drastically increased, that way it would be beneficial to have 5 others with you.
You should probably get some help. Feeling such resentment for people from years and years ago is not very good, sure its okay to reminise about old times once in a while, but you shouldnt have feelings of revenge, and be worried about possibly doing something stupid in the future.
(I'm not purposely trying to be mean, or demeaning, but... I mean how can you be still upset at people you don't see oftern (if at all) anymore?)
Of course, if your in highschool, and your talking about bullies from elementary school, who you probably see every day or so in highschool, then your feelings of frustration and anger are quite normal. As long as you aren't thinking of getting any kind of revenge or harming anyone.
If your having thoughts of physically harming people, you need to consult a psychiatrist immediately.
At least your admitting you have a problem, thats a start.
That was awsome. It was bound to happen eventually.
The level needs to be extended a bit though. Including some obstacles, and the explosion was much to fast, maybe you ahve to hold onto the plane for a white before it blows up, or you enter into the towers and have to escape, then they fall and then the level is over. Right now its just not very good, and only really includes an explosion. I would like to see more done with the firetruck/policecar, using them as obstacles once you escape the towers and are running for your life.
I guess the person needs to look into level design a bit more. At least we can all agree it was an entertaining couple of seconds of game play.
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