i doubt they would sell rare, especially since they are useful in creating family friendly games that appeal to a broader market than the normal games on their console. If they are indeed trying to market games to more casual players, rare would be important to do this.
Please stop giving this guy free traffic. He probably doesn't even believe what he is posting. He is purposely being controversial and silly to draw traffic. You guys are falling for it and just giving him free money.
if they do, they better not blow it. Oh dear, I could just see the mayhem occuring when its announced that they are making the next halo fps instead of bungie, and the multiple killings when it turns out that they didnt do a great job.
they should give up, because jrpgs are bad and boring games. I could careless about the genre, all the games are absolutely terrible reptitive boring messes.
Man I wish I had this idea, if I were the guy who made antispore.com I would probably be a rich man right now. Or at least made several thousands of dollars off his website.
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