Its pretty hard to scam through ebay (if your the seller), considering if you(the buyer) don't recieve what you payed for you can always file a claim, with ebay/your credit card company/paypal and get your money back.
The only way to get scammed through ebay is if your the seller, but I dont want to go into that.
You present way too much information to the reader without even introducing a main character. The things you are explaining should be told during the story, not right at the beginning. You should develop a main character and general story first, and while you are doing that you can explain about the world as he is exploring/learning/seeing/talking about them.
I just feel that I need to tell you that you need to improve on your writing skills before you plan to write a full novel. Try some short stories, if this is a part of a short story it seems like a bunch of really unneeded information is tossed right in your face at the start of it, meanwhile you really have no idea what its talking about.
Try writing some short stories first, then make them longer, and eventually when you get an amazing idea that you feel you can develop into a long story, write it.
Don't give up though, it seems more like lore of a world that your writing, not a story. You could use this information within the story, but don't present it all up front like you have done.
gears 1.. competitive? you mean dodge roll, shoot shotgun, dodge roll, shoot shotgun repeat until someone gets downed? Its less like that? oh god the horror!
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