and yet your points are but a pathetic wimper in the sea of forum chatter.
Bashing the Wii at this early of the stage is as ignorant and judgemental a fan boy of supposed intellect can accomplish. You are making crystal ball claims and speaking for a consumer base that is far beyond the scope of who you see and what you read.
You are not Jesus. You are not Buddah. You are no better informed than any whiner with a key board.
So stop acting like you know what is, or isn't good for the industry.FoamingPanda
We all know what good is for this industry from the perspective of consumers. We've always known: stronger hardware, cheaper prices, more developers, more intellectual freedom, more innovation, newer and bolder ideas, greater functionality, more depth, more game for your dollar. I don't exactly need to look into a crystal ball and evoke a druidish chant to scrye what is good for us. Nintendo has forced many of its fans to reorder, forget, or denounce these very functional, positive, and historically important values to rationalize their support for a product that works against their interests, fails to meet the benchmarks of this generation, and has butchered the functionality and scope of gaming as an entertainment medium.
Bashing the Wii for the horrible quality of its hardware, the marketing campaign it has employed, its mission statement, and its clear shortcomings is anything BUT mindless fanboy rabble.
to be honest foaming_panda, your nothing more than ps3_ftw... the only difference is you try to sound smart using 'big' words
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