@Sjalasvalten Some people purposely leave stupid comments because they're trying to appear on Feedbackula... not necessarily because they're stupid. It's the same reason as to why some people troll - to get a reaction... probably because no one pays enough attention to them in the real world.
You should definitely do more reviews Peter. You seem to cover the bases a lot better than some of the other reviewers. Granted, everyone has their own style and that's fine... but I find myself having no lingering questions about a game after your reviews and that's a nice thing to experience for a change.
I wouldn't want anyone taking over Irrational Games... I'm glad Ken is burying it as opposed to selling it to some other company who undoubtedly wouldn't be able to make anything close to the quality we see in the BioShock series. It's like Johnny said - It's Ken Levine's company and he can do with it what he wants.
And while we're on the topic of selfishness and arrogance it's amazing how many people in the gaming world (including GameSpot users) feel high and mighty enough to tell Levine what he should or shouldn't do with his own company.
As for the former employees of Irrational Games... these people are so damn talented I am sure they will have no problem finding work elsewhere and I'm glad that Irrational is at least providing financial assistance for them and helping them out by setting them up with interviews and career days. It's more than a lot of other companies would do.
I for one stand behind your decision Mr. Levine and I look forward to your future work.
@JustPlainLucas I think it helped that graphically, there's only so much you can do on a PS1 so more time was spent on other details to really round out the experience. Starting with the PS2 it turned into a matter of pushing hardware to its limits with every game... and graphics do not make a great game.
I would have to say that Final Fantasy VI and VIII are tied for my favorite game in the series... followed by VII, IX and V.
Ever since Final Fantasy X Square Enix has focused more and more on graphics while leaving other aspects of its Final Fantasy games unfinished or unrealized. I'm so glad that we can finally close the book on Final Fantasy XIII and move on to Final Fantasy XV, which I really hope breathes new life back into a series that really hasn't been good since Final Fantasy IX.
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