@hystavito @diskotheque Good to know @hystavito , but unfortunately I really suck at strategy games, which is the main reason I've never played SimCity before. =\ I'm much better suited to Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. =D
Why does every traditional single-player gaming franchise feel the need to implement a multi-player mode nowadays? Unless developers can come up with a clever mechanic, like what Demon's Souls did, then they shouldn't even bother. There's nothing wrong with a game being single-player only.
Great review, Peter. Despite the score of 7.0 the game still looks to be quite a bit of fun. Makes me wish I owned a 3DS. I guess it's time to re-play Symphony of the Night again!
@aceed_altiee @stolley88 From watching the video I would say the predictable story, similarities to uncharted (as in it's nothing groundbreaking), and the average multiplayer are what brought it down to an 8.5.
@Eldeorn @diskotheque @dsvsdvsv The only reason I don't have a problem with discs not being backwards compatible is because the world is moving into a purely digital age. Game discs will become obsolete the same way in which CD and DVD are being phased out. I feel Sony (and the publishers if what you say is true) should recognize and understand this and support digital backwards compatibility, no matter the cost on their end because they sure as hell have more money to make it happen than I have to keep re-purchasing games over and over.
The other thing, @Eldeorn , is that when we pay for the copy we buy, it should be linked to one single account. For example, my PS account name is diskotheque. So when I log into a PS4 as diskotheque then my game copies should be able to move with me from my PS3 to my PS4. All I should have to do is inactivate my diskotheque account from my PS3 and then activate it on my new PS4, from which I should be able to download all my PSN games onto it.
iTunes does it now with songs. If my computer crashes and I need to buy a new one all I need to do is log into iTunes on my new computer and visit my purchase history and download all of my songs again. I'm not 100% sure but I think Steam works the same way. So why can't Sony? I understand that it takes a lot of time, money and effort, especially since games are more complex than songs, but guess what? Sony has all of that and more, especially the "money" part. So they need to make it happen.
*I know too that I could just keep my PS3 and have two systems with different games on each, but I just prefer to have everything in one place. Call it an OCD thing.*
@dsvsdvsv @diskotheque Buddy... did you not watch the video??? Johnny specifically states that anything purchased on the PSN via the PS3 will NOT be playable or usable on the PS4, including saved game files. Sony has also stated this numerous times. Anything I've bought in the past, whether disc-based or digital download is the equivalent of trash if I buy a PS4. So no, I will not be able to stream my old games. THIS IS THE PROBLEM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW???
I'm sure I speak for many other Playstation users when I say that I want Sony to change this before the PS4 comes out. I want Sony to make the games I've already purchased over the PSN playable on the PS4. Otherwise, I've completely wasted my money and I will not give any more of it to a company like Sony.
If you still don't understand, then I don't know what to tell you man. Do some research and pay attention to what's really happening.
diskotheque's comments