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disneyfan715 Blog

New Friend????

My twin sis Emily just made an account. *claps and jumps up and down excitedly* She hasn't done anything yet but I am happy!!! I get to hassle her!!! *JK* Although, when she does start getting active please welcome her as a friend. *Even though she can be annoying at times* her account is *emtheeviltwin*. no stars in her name though! right now her page is totally blank, but she'll start filling it soon!!! Bye for now, and remember, Plz be nice to her!!! oh, by the way, Happy Hanukkah to anyone who celebrates it like moi! Now I must go to sleep, I have to do a science project tomorrow and I have Algebra Midterms on Tuesday and Wednesday. Scratch that, it is now 12:00 a.m. where I live in Florida. which means *today* I have to do a science project!!! *groans*. talk to everyone later!!! BYE!8)


I hate the Miley Cyrus editor!!!

I have submitted a million things about Miley and she/he has found a way to reject most of them. She says someone already put something in there like that, well, I read all the Miley Cyrus trivia (yes I have no life) and there was nothing in there about anything that I have submitted. She is annoying the life out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, by the way, I have to do a bookreport on the book Once Upon a Marigold By: Jean Ferris. The book report is making a scrapbook, we have to do all different things, one thing is making a cover for the scrapbook that reflects the book. I don't know if you guys have read the book but I want you to see my cover anyway. Here it is!!!

Let me know what you think of it.  It took me forever to create.  It doesn't make complete sense unless you've read the book, but let me know how you like the graphics.  If you haven't read the book you might want to.  It is really good. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Yes, I am one of those people that are blogging for thanksgiving.  did anyone else notice the new turkey emblem???  i got it.  it looks like this. 

i wonder why i got it.  maybe it's for being online on thanksgiving.  i don't know.  anybody have any ideas???

Ode to a fruit?!?!?!?!?!

my language arts teacher is the dumbest person on the planet.  for a homework assignment she made us write an ode to a fruit or vegetable.  what am i supposed to say that is good about kumkwats and artichokes?  I'm telling you she's lost her marbles.  only a mentally retarted person wwrites an ode to an artichoke.  (not that anyone who reads this is retarted if they wrote an ode to a fruit!!)  i wrote an ode to a calamondin.  it is like an orange except smaller and more sour.  


Hoorah!!! I am a level 4!!!!  okay so it's not a huge achievement but still I only joined less than a month ago.  oh by the way, happy thanksgiving to everybody who celebrates it!!!  my mom's friend and her kids, who I always have thanksgiving with are going out of town this year.  so this year we are having thanksgiving a week early.  i don't know why but I feel like saying random things.  


I hate geography.  even though my teacher is really nice, he gives us really hard tests.  tomorrow he is giving us a test on the united states.  even though I live there how am I supposed to know all this stuff.  there is like a page and a half of notes I have to memorize before the test tomorrow.  It's like he wants to torture us.  For crying out loud, the test is 150 points.  I figure the best I will do is a C.  Also we have to know where all the states are and find them on a map.  that isn't too hard since I have studied them a lot.  I has to find them on a map like that two years ago in 5th grade.  Don't ask me why he is testing us again 2 years later.  the good news is we don't have to learn the capitals of every state.  the bad news, that might have bennefitted my grade since i already know almost all of them.  oh well.  nice knowing me.

Pity Me!

Pity me!!!!  I have to write a 1000 word paper for science, due this friday.  Plus, it has to be about bananas!  (Since that's my topic for my science project)  All i've got so far is the title!!  JK

I have 509 words so far. 

Better sign off.  I have to write my paper, no time during the week. 
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